Snopes, a truth- monitoring website, slowly changed a fact test about a diary belonging to Ashley Biden, President Joe Biden’s daughter, being true.
The fact- viewing web describes the book, which was written by Ashley Biden, describing “actions taken toward her” by the leader when she was younger that are” no appropriate”, according to Snopes.
This comes one month after Ashley Biden addressed Chief Judge Laura Taylor Swain of the Southern District of New York in a text on April 8. The younger Biden acknowledged the existence of the book, stating that she was “deeply saddened” by the fact that her book had been” stolen and sold for profit.”
Ashley Biden wrote,” I have chosen not to go today’s imprisonment in person because it will only make my pain worse.” ” However, I write to beg Your Honor to word the accused to time in prison”.

President Joe Biden and his child Ashley Biden watch the fireworks display at the White House on July 4, 2021 in Washington, DC. ( Alex Wong/Getty Images )
In regards to Snopes changing the rating of the fact check of Ashley Biden’s diary from” Unproven” to” True” the website wrote:
On April 29, 2024, Snopes changed the standing of this reality check from” Unproven” to” Real” based on evidence provided by Ashley Biden. In a letter to a New York judge on April 8 asking for a sentence for one of the two individuals who allegedly stole her journal, Biden wrote,” I may always have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed electronically.”
A Project Veritas journalist provided the store with a modern version of Ashley Biden’s book in October 2020, according to The National File, which was the first traditional publication to publish a report on the subject in October 2020.
In August 2022, two persons, Aimee Harris and Robert Kurlander pleaded guilty to stealing and selling Ashley Biden’s personal journal for$ 40, 000.
In April, the Department of Justice requested Judge Swain to word the person who had robbed Ashley Biden’s book to four to ten months in prison. After first mandating Harris serve six months in prison, prosecutors sought to lengthen the sentence after she repeatedly changed her reading time.
Judge Swain sentenced Harris to a month in jail and three times on house arrest on April 9 for stealing and selling Ashley Biden’s diary.
Kurlander, who has also pleaded criminal, has not yet been sentenced.