Compared to earlier speeches, poor advice and terrible politics are frequently used as a launching pad. Harrison Butker, the Kansas City Chiefs Kicker, offered a unique experience to the alumni of the 2024 class, by urging them to not compromise their moral compass even when the so-called Catholic president of the United States does the same.
After urging Georgia Institute of Technology students to marry and have children to save the planet, Butker returned to Benedictine College, reinvigorating the newest generation of young adults with his strong convictions and beliefs.
The three-time Super Bowl champion praised the graduates who persevered through government-mandated evacuations in their late teens and early school years as he opened his remarks by praising them for their efforts to combat the country’s fast declining economy.
Covid may have played a significant part in your early times, but it is not special. Poor policies and weak leadership have severely impacted major life issues”, the 28- year- ancient said. ” Points like abortion, IVF, infertility, death, as well as a growing support for corrupt cultural values in advertising all stem from the spread of problem”.
This problem, Butker noted, is not an injury.
At the same time, Butker blatantly deceives the sign of the cross at a pro-choice rally while also claiming that “our personal nation is led by a guy who publicly and boldly proclaims his Catholic faith.”
During a Democrat activist protest against Florida’s safeguards for newborn babies, President Joe Biden invoked the spiritual gesture in April. Biden’s repeated “vocal” support for the death of innocent children throughout their first nine months of gestation, according to Butker, “gives people the wrong idea that you can be both Catholic and pro-choice.”
” He is not alone,” Butker said”. They all share a looking trait: they are Catholics, from the person responsible for the Covid lockdowns to those responsible for imposing harmful gender ideologies on young Americans.
Just claiming to be Catholic but failing to act on it, Butker said”, does n’t split it.”
In respectful world, we are told to avoid raising these issues. You know, the difficult and unpleasant stuff. But if we are going to be men and women for this time in history, we need to prevent pretending that the ‘ temple of good’ is a winning statement,” Butker continued.
Because there is no such item as morality, Butker urged the recent graduates to speak out against the vices that exist in our universe.
” We must always speak and act in generosity, but never problem charity for stupidity,” Butker said.
Butker is best. They have stumbled when they give historical ground to the world’s perilous customs. There is nothing God-honoring or Christlike about turning a blind eye to the repeated production of unborn children in their mothers ‘ wombs, the irreversible physical experiments on minors that will permanently scrape their bodies, and the party of” confidence” and a rainbow flag, which represent a type of sexual and union outside what God ordered.
The player, who wears his faith on both on and off the field, made it clear to the audience that he had no intention of being a public critic of our country’s shoddy failings. However, he was more dependent on his devotion to God than watching from the sidelines.
I never had this sort of platform in mind, and neither did I. I have no other choice but to accept it and preach more savage truths about letting go of your lane and sticking with it, Butker said.
Jordan Boyd is a co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour and a staff writer for The Federalist. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordanian completed her political science major at Baylor University and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter @jordanboydtx.