The Republican gubernatorial nomination for West Virginia is anticipated to be won by Attorney General of West Virginia Patrick Morrisey ( R ).
Decision Desk called the competition for Morrisey at 9: 18 p. m. ET. As of 9: 35 p. m., around 77 percent of the ballot was in, and Morrisey held a five- place direct, per the New York Times. He successfully staved off two political dynasties by beating out former State Delegate Moore Capito, the son of U. S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito ( R- WV ), and Chris Miller, son of U. S. Rep. Carol Miller ( R- WV ). Along with Secretary of State Mac Warner, they were his main rivals in the packed area.
Decision Desk HQ anticipates that Patrick Morrisey will win the West Virginia governor’s principal. # DecisionMade: 9: 18pm ET pic. twitter.com/Xo8fN7P48Z
— Decision Desk HQ ( @DecisionDeskHQ ) May 15, 2024
Morrisey, who Donald Trump Jr. called” the MAGA candidate” in the contest, then advances to the general election in the strong red position where he will square off with Democrat Huntington Mayor Steve Williams. The people are vying to take over the governor who will retire. Jim Justice ( R- WV ), who is running for Sen. Joe Manchin’s ( D- WV ) seat in one of the GOP’s best flip opportunities in the country this cycle. On Tuesday, Justice also won his principal.
Both people are in a strong place for the upcoming common vote. West Virginia has gone from strength to strength in every presidential election cycle this era, and no Democrat has ever won a state competition since Manchin did in 2018. Additionally, the attorney general won by a roughly 30 level margin in his reelection bid in 2020, while Justice won another term by a 33-point ratio that time.
Morrisey reportedly discussed how he would approach the experience of serving as a three-term solicitor common to the governor’s mansion on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday over the weekend. He emphasized that the state are the hapless alternative to standing up to a “broken” Washington, DC.
” I believe we can all come to terms with the fact that Washington is broken and that too much energy has been shipped off to DC– too much money, very much energy,” he said. States are the only way to address the issues that plague us, and that requires states to walk up and reject the national juggernaut, according to Morrisey. They must reject the regulatory body, and I’ve been working on that, particularly the significant West Virginia EPA event, which involves suing federal authorities when necessary. However, says also need to say no to additional financial resources.
” So what I’m trying to do as governor is build upon the strength that I’ve showed as attorney general, where we used to organize 15, 20, 25 states, they’d come together on legal issues against the swamp” , , he added. ” As Governor, you have the ability to not only help direct on legal issues, but you can clear on financial, on economy, on legislation, on PR…all across the board, and that means you can take governors and state authorities and chancellors and all sorts of people together really to be that barrier against the federal government, and that’s badly needed. And that’s the kind of shift that I’m going to give”.
He noted that he believes his perspective” coordinates President Trump’s America First mission,” and that he is “looking to make sure that the claims are properly casting the energy that President Trump is trying to send up to them.”