CNN host Chris Wallace said , Wednesday” Newsnight” that , it would be” suicidal” if former President Donald Trump does n’t change his aggressive “way too hot” behavior from the last time he debated President Joe Biden.
Anchor Abby Phillip said,” But, as we saw in that picture, the breaks from Trump, that’s just how he operates. If you’ve ever interacted with him, as you have on a conversation step, on a town house step, a 145 in the period of 90 minutes in that discussion that you did. Do you anticipate that his behavior will be “almost the same” or has he” changed” in any way in terms of how he likes to present himself in that situation?
Wallace said,” Oh, it would be suicidal if he does n’t change how he conducted himself. I believe there was a strong consensus within the Trump tent that that was incorrect and that he came off as too warm. And, you know, that conversation ended up as uncomfortable as it was, and I was, you know, a see. I was a witness to the car crash. It really was quite significant. And Trump suffered a significant loss, dropping four or five items in the polls before regaining his composure. I believe it was a significant turning point in the discussion.
He added”, If I were giving Trump guidance, I would allow Biden speak because often Biden gets himself in difficulties. And then I’d feint. Do n’t make yourself the issue. consider make Biden the matter. I believe that Trump believed I would be able to knock Biden off his match. I’m going to be able to find him confused. It did n’t work. Biden kept his cool. Trump was the one who ended up looking negative. If he does the exact thing afterwards, he’s a fool.”
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