This year, meth was removed from the roads of Tucson by drug police agents in El Paso, Texas, and two suspected traffickers were also detained.
An undercover substance police representative made the detention and seizures after he made contact with a guy who offered to sell him meth for a total of$ 37, 000. According to court documents, the later identified Richard Ernest Bernal Yribe reportedly told the realtor that he would meet him at a house in Tucson and get the drugs from an unknown location.
Last Tuesday, DEA officials reportedly watched a black Dodge Ram 3500 with Washington state permit sheets pull up behind the home while a pair of men afterwards identified as Bernal and Carlos Morgan Felix were being later tracked down.
According to a legal complaint filed on Wednesday in U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona, federal agents obtained search permits for the home and the vehicle, finding a gun, a small amount of cocaine in the home, and 21 pounds of cocaine in the vehicle.
On suspicion of methamphetamine conspiracy to maintain with the intent to disperse, Bernal and Morgan were detained. On Wednesday, they made their first appearance in federal judge in Tucson.