Two border residents from South Texas have been sentenced for extorting an illegal immigrant without pay to work at a fireworks have and as a caregiver.
U. S. District Chief Judge Randy Crane ordered 32- year- ancient Eduardo Javier Gomez, of Edinburg, to provide 70 months in prison. His previous lover, Margarita Alvarez, 42, was ordered to two years of probation, U. S. Attorney Alamdar Hamdani announced Monday.
Both admitted benefiting from a murderer’s free labor in a March innocent plea.
According to Hamdani, the pair forced a prey to work at a lights have for some days over the summer of 2021, including the 4th of July vacation.
The prey had been allegedly smuggled into the Rio Grande Valley improperly, according to law enforcement. Gomez was holding her against her can, Hamdani said.
Gomez was requesting additional funds from the victim’s home in exchange for moving her farther northwest. The few forced the victim to work as a nanny and maid in the home Gomez and Alvarez shared when the household was unable to pay. According to Hamdani, Gomez also oversaw a lights stand where he allegedly forced the victim to operate.
” No one should be forced to live in a world of loneliness, servitude and evil, especially in a nation that prides itself on its privileges”, said Special Agent in Charge, Craig Larrabee, HSI San Antonio. People believe they can indulge in this kind of severe exploitation with impunity, in part because of this case, which is a depressing reflection on human selfishness and heartlessness. To those who engage in individual trafficking, this statement really convey to them that HSI is committed to protecting those who cannot defend themselves.
Two weeks after being informed of the victim’s situation, authorities said.
Sandra Sanchez can be reached at [email protected].