Recently, we just witnessed merely how islamic Vienna, the Austrian capital, had become, with Muslims now outnumbering Christians in the classrooms. With this flood of Muslims comes a swathe of crimes:
In the ancient capital area, beatings and muggings are becoming a common occurrence, with people attacking each other almost everyday. The Praterstern neighborhood, which is located just outside of northern Vienna, is currently under the control of North Africans and is regarded as the city’s worst area for crime. The area is becoming riddled with crime despite police increasing their appearance. Afghans have been making articles for all the wrong reasons in the area around the West Railway Station, which is located on the other side of the area. As more people enter Austria each month, the number of crimes committed by workers has increased significantly. Next year]2016], there were a total 22, 000 legal complaints against workers, away from 14, 000 in 2015, the Hungarian Interior Ministry revealed. With a 133 per cent increase in migrant gender problems in the last year since the migrant crisis erupted, sex attacks carried out by asylum applicants has become a major concern in Austria. Going pools and other public spaces have grown to be some of the most frequent locations for problems.
The contradictions surrounding these innovations are numerous, but one that highlights both the significance of history and the destiny of those who reject it took place on this very moment in history.  ,
The largest Islamic military ever to enter German territory on July 15, 1683, had reached, surrounded, and started large bombardment of Vienna, the then-heart of the Holy Roman Empire and Ottoman Empire’s main nemesis. This is encouraging considering that many invasions have preceded it since the ninth century.
Under the management of the Ottomans, circa 200, 000 Muslim combatants invaded under the same justification that so-called “radical” groups, like the Islamic State, use to support their jihad on “infidels” in roughly 14 centuries of Muslim history. Because Vienna was perceived as the mind of the infidel serpent, it needed to be laid low, to offer Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa, the president of the Muslim voyage, in order that” all the Christians do accept” their Muslim masters.  ,
This was no idle talk, options describe this Mustafa as “fanatically anti-Christian”. After capturing a Polish area in 1674, he decreed that all Christian captives be killed dead and their stuffed animals presented as trophy to Ottoman Sultan Muhammad IV. For racist hate was common and visible during the elaborate ceremony announcing the end of the battle of Vienna. Finally, the king, “desiring him]Mustafa] to fight freely for the Mahometan faith”, to offer a modern European origin, placed” the regular of the Prophet … into his arms for the extirpation of infidels, and the increase of Muslemen”.
On July 14, the massive Muslim army arrived in Vienna and set them free. In 628, his prophet Muhammad had sent an ultimatum to Eastern Roman Emperor Heraclius: aslam taslam,” submit]to Islam ] and have peace”.  , Heraclius rejected the summons, jihad was declared against Christendom ( as enshrined in Koran 9: 29 ), and in a few decades, two-thirds of the then-Christian world— including Spain, all of North Africa, Egypt, and Greater Syria — were conquered.
The same ultimatum of submission to Islam or death had reached Europe more than a thousand years later. The Viennese commander did not bother to respond to the summons, graffiti inside the city— including” Muhammad, you dog, go home”! — seems to have captured its mood.
So it would be war. On the next day, July 15 — today in history — Mustafa unleashed all hell against the city’s walls, and for two months, the holed-up and vastly outnumbered Viennese suffered plague, dysentery, starvation, and many casualties— including women and children — in the name of jihad.
Then, on September 12, when the city had reached its final extremity, and the Muslims were about to burst through, Vienna’s prayers were answered. As an anonymous Englishman explained:
After a siege of sixty days, accompanied with a thousand difficulties, sicknesses, want of provisions, and great effusion of blood, after a million of cannon and musquet shot, bombs, granadoes, and all sorts of fireworks, which has changed the face of the fairest and most flourishing city in the world, disfigured and ruined]it]… heaven favorably heard the prayers and tears of a cast down and mournful people.
The formidable king of Poland, John Sobieski, had finally come at the head of 65, 000 horsemen—including the famed winged hussars—all hot to avenge the beleaguered city.  , Arguing that” It is not a city alone that we have to save, but the whole of Christianity, of which the city of Vienna is the bulwark”, Sobieski led a thunderous cavalry charge—history’s largest—against and totally routed the Muslim besiegers. ( See” Sword and Scimitar” for a detailed recounting of this pivotal battle. )
Although a spectacular victory, the aftermath was gory: before fleeing, the Muslims ritually slaughtered some 30, 000 Christian captives collected during their march to Vienna — raping the women beforehand.  , On entering the relieved city, the liberators encountered piles of corpses, sewage, and rubble everywhere.
Eastern European perceptions of Islam are largely influenced by this history of Islamic aggression, which dates back to the fourteenth century when Muslims first gained sway in Eastern Europe ( Thrace ) and continues until the twentieth century when the Ottoman sultanate finally crumbles. Whereas Western nations cite lack of integration, economic disparities, and grievances to explain away the exponential growth of terrorism, violence, and rapes that come with living alongside large Muslim populations— such as in Vienna — Eastern nations see only a continuity of hostility. As one Pole, echoing the words of Sobieski, said during an anti-Muslim demonstration in 2017:” a religious war between Christianity and Islam is once again underway in Europe, just like in the past“.
As for those who do not learn from the past, such as “open-doors” Vienna, which should have been especially appreciative of its relationship with Islam, they are on their way to becoming mere annihilators of the umma,  , as today’s Muslim refugees achieve what yesterday’s Muslim empires could n’t.  ,