Cruz was asked why, during an interview with Jesse Watter’s Primetime, he thought the Democratic National Convention had never given more remarks from the families of the victims of the border problems. Jesse Watters, the number, made the joke that he believed the Democrats were the “party of the people.”
” This is, however, the group of specific interest”, Cruz said. This is all about strength.”
Cruz pointed to GOP presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump’s look at the U. S. Mexico , border , Thursday alongside the people of two people who were allegedly raped and murdered by improper refugees.
” Every single day, another American is murdered, another woman is raped, and another baby is brutalized by unlawful immigrants that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have released,” Cruz said. And they are releasing offenders every day without any comment for the victims or the families who have been devastated by their actions.
According to a House Judiciary Committee report , released , earlier this summer, the Biden-Harris leadership has admitted more than 5.3 million illegal immigrants into the United States, along with nearly 2 million more unlawful immigrants that have been seen sneaking into the country.
Since February 2021, more than 10 million people have been encountered at the U. S. edges, which surpasses that of any other one-term or two-term management.