Asylum-seekers, immigrants, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients, and any other non-U. S. people living in Oregon are eligible to receive a$ 30, 000 offer to help them if they are first-time house buyers.  ,
The Hacienda Community Development Corporation’s Camino A Casa plan simply grants grants to “people who are not citizens of America.”
Throughout the entire homebuying process, clients collaborate attentively with economic coaches and HUD-certified housing counselors, according to the grant advertisement. ” In addition to mortgage preparation and financial workout sessions, we provide various possibilities for down-payment assistance”.
The HCDC has received$ 692, 775 from Business Oregon’s Economic Equity Investment Program, which was formed by the Oregon legislature in 2022. It is designed” to create financial security, self-sufficiency, wealth building, and financial capital among impoverished people, families, businesses, and areas in the state”.
In 2023, the EEIP granted 36 companies$ 15 million in grants. In 2024, it received an additional$ 8 million, which is expected to last through June 30, 2025.
However, Oregonians are struggling to find inexpensive housing. The state saw a 22 % jump in folks experiencing homelessness from 2020 to 2022, becoming the position with the second-highest homeless people.  ,
In 2022, Gov. In response to the state’s housing shortage, Tina Kotek (D-OR ) declared three states of emergency, one of which mandated the construction of 36, 000 new homes annually.  ,
The system must be stopped, according to Republican lawmakers who have called for it to be unfair.  ,
” American citizens in Oregon are struggling to find and buy a home” , , state Rep. Ed Diehl told the Daily Caller. In this position, there is a serious housing shortage. I find it revolting that some non-US citizens are being given the advantage of their hard-earned, limited tax dollars to promote ownership. Oregon the n’t ending this state-sponsored bias soon enough.”
Since Biden took office, U. S. Customs and Border Protection recorded 8.1 million persons have crossed over the boundary. A vast majority of these refugees have been bused and flown to shelter cities like New York, Chicago, and Portland.
But much Oregon has spent$ 29 million to house and feed asylum-seekers.
The Hacienda Community Development Corporation was contacted by The Washington Examiner.