It was a stark reminder that since he abruptly dropped out of the race less than two months ago, he has been mostly missing from the public attention when President Joe Biden went viral last week for sporting a dark Trump 2024 hat at an event commemorating 9/11.
He has been all but forgotten since he announced his withdrawal from the battle on July 21 via a covert article on X. The lame-duck leader rarely attends more than one public event on one day, and he only spoke briefly at the Democratic National Convention last month, spoke on the first day, and then flew right away for a two-week trip.
Biden has only been seen on the campaign trail with Harris a few times, and he has n’t been seen on the beach, especially on the occasion of the Afghanistan withdrawal, which has become a hot topic in the Trump campaign.
He shook hands with Trump at the memorial page in New York last week as he paid respect to the subjects of the September 11 terrorist attacks. After that, he made stories for his humorous exchange with a Trump supporter, which ended in a joking helmet.
The picture was all the more unsettling, however, simply because he had scarcely been seen.
Thanks for the help, Joe! photograph. twitter.com/GeNDXWEHVi— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom ) September 11, 2024
Cabinet secretaries are more accessible.
Some people wonder how the executive branch of the government, which employs more than 2 million people, is currently operating then, with Biden laying small. Conservatives frequently refute the claim that weak senior management encourages the appointment of unelected Cabinet secretaries or lower-level administrators.
In the latter stages of his presidency, Biden’s Cabinet secretary have taken on more important tasks. For instance, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was given the honor of reversing the plea agreements signed by the architect of the September 11 terrorist attack, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, last month more than Biden.
Attorney General Merrick Garland and Harris traveled to Selma, Alabama, for a gathering in March to speak out against voting Card rules. He refuted claims that the Department of Justice had become a weapon in a conversation on Thursday.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, however, has been a mainstay on media network, albeit mainly talking about Vice President Kamala Harris’s plan.
Trump has pledged to destroy the federal government if elected to a second word, promising to do so in the form of “drain the swamp” or “destroy the deep state” of state employees whose careers are protected regardless of who wins the presidency.
Trump began a program to allow the president to fire more government employees shortly before taking office, resulting in Schedule F, which may affect about 50, 000 of the 2.2.2 million governmental employees. However, Biden removed Schedule F when he first took office and is now” Trump proofing” many of the positions, indicating he is satisfied with the function of those civil servants.
Harris strategy: a signal of the future?
Harris has so far sounded like she is following her employer’s advice, refraining from interviews or press conferences, and deliberately avoiding the media in some cases when it comes to covering her campaign. The Harris battle was criticized for lack of access just last week by the White House News Photographers Association.
The question is, does citizens attention? Or do they see it as a pleasant change from the Trump administration, which was more humorous, accepting everyone?
” Trump was too much in our heads”, Rutgers University past, internet research, and media teacher David Greenberg said. ” But Biden has not been accessible enough”.
Since launching his campaign in June 2015, Trump, a born performer, has been rife with social debate and media coverage. From the moment he rode down the stairway to the conclusion of his presidency, he appeared to be outside. Trump frequently received more regular cover as the ex-president than Biden did as the former, yet after Biden entered the White House.
And some citizens like it that way, Greenberg argues.
” Trump was very loud, very annoying, to petulant”, he said. His daily comments irritate people, and the media’s protection of them made things worse.
But, Biden’s problems with his older make it difficult to say whether his lower profile was intentionally intended to be a distinction to Trump or whether it was because his supporters were worried that the people had become alarmed by his declining energy amounts and verbal proficiency. In any case, Greenberg contends that Harris and Biden both caused harm by holding press events and holding town hall meetings with citizens.
During his most recent conversation with Harris, Trump attempted to make Biden’s absence problematic.
” Where is our leader? We do n’t even know if he’s the president”, Trump said. He was thrown out of the battle like a dog, they claimed. We do n’t even know — is he our president? We have a president that does n’t know he’s alive”.
Harris, rather than defending Biden, reminded Trump that he was n’t live.
” It’s important to inform the former senator you’re not running against Joe Biden”, she said. ” You’re running against me”.
Biden may remain in office until noon on Jan. 20, 2025. If Harris is elected, it’s possible she may follow his style in office as well if his lack of visibility does n’t bother the electorate.
A quiet leader does not always mean an inefficient one, and a quiet one is not actually more active in the background, according to Joel Goldstein, a vice presidential professor at Saint Louis University.
” Biden may have paid a political price for not being a more frequent or effective communicator, or not emphasizing himself more, but that does n’t mean he’s been inactive or ineffective as a president”, Goldstein said. ” Quite the contrary”.
Similar techniques can also offer different outcomes, Goldstein argues. For instance, Reagan and George W. Bush both had careers as delegators, but Reagan was much more well-known for being a qualified storyteller than Bush.
” Trump’s omnipresence in the headlines does n’t translate into presidential success, especially when his public comments often reveal his lack of knowledge of policy”, Goldstein said.
Biden appears to share that sentiment, holding the fewest individual hit events of any leader since George H. W. Bush. However, Cully Stimson, a senior colleague at the Heritage Foundation, contends that the president is obligated to regularly support and discuss plans and activities.
The leader is able to speak on behalf of the American people under both legal and moral authority. That is a power of the office”, he said. In the eye of the British people and the world,” the presence of that over long periods of time weakens the president and weakens the United States.”
The administration is “waiting for the next big person.”
But, is a Biden-style calm president the way of the future? Are citizens satisfied with a chief who permanently occupies less of their atmosphere? Craig Shirley does n’t think so.
According to Shirley, a scholar of the presidency and author of Ronald Reagan, the person’s profile directly correlates with its occupants ‘ standing.
” Do the days make the gentleman, or does the person make the times”? he asked, paraphrasing Henry Adams. ” I may say the man makes the days”.
Shirley says that novels continue to be written about excellent leaders such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Reagan, but he predicts that a excellent text will never be written about the Trump administration.
There is some recent proof to support his assertion. A contract Simon and Schuster had with Axios writer Alex Thompson earlier this year was terminated, according to rumors that it was a” sign of the sweet Biden book business.”
” Joe Biden is a person of modest ideas, and so he is a little leader”, Shirley said. There are no publications about Millard Fillmore or Franklin Pierce. There are no books about James Buchanan, except even to point out that he was a loss. Little people have little or no books to read, and they have little ideas. Joe Biden is a little person who is already forgotten”.
According to Shirley, the administration may be murky for as long as such a person holds office, and it will attract attention once more when a new thinker takes office.
” The president is waiting for the next big man, the next active person, the next guy with ideas”, he said. ” Interesting folks get articles, and people are interested because the person is interesting”.