The most common misconception is that Constitution Day falls on September 17, which is a federal holiday. Although problem and a shift away from management and law enforcement are both contributing factors to our most pressing regional issues today, this year may be our most important holiday to remember. Our nation is now in danger more than ever before the Civil War started in 1861 as a result.
Because they clearly defined people ‘ right and established that these freedom come from God rather than the state, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were revolution political beliefs. Because of their sovereignty and inalienability, these rights placed the people in charge and subordinated the state, never the other way around.  ,
One talent of the Constitution was that it constrained government abuse by creating checks and balances of authority among three separate branches of government: the professional, the parliamentary, and the criminal. The separation of energy between the federal and state governing bodies was another democratic test.  ,
Numerous elections are yet another crucial legal mechanism that limits the length and scope of government corruption and incompetence. This also implies that the most reverend duty under the Constitution is that of citizens to get informed, cast, and choose who shall rule.  ,
The U.S. Constitution, the longest-running written contract of government in human story, combines limiting government authority with maximizing people’s rights.  ,
However, when power-hungry dishonest people determine to mend election outcomes to place people who are or can be compromised, any constitution may be ultimately undermined and circumvented, causing disaster for the people.  ,
The social problem that has undermined the Constitution is clearly visible. For example, consider uncontrolled federal government spending, which now adds about$ 1 trillion to our national debt every three months, causing high inflation and risking a financial collapse. Consider the record number of foreign government agents, terrorists, and military gangs who have entered the country, with some truly turning into sleeper cells and others stealing property and invading communities.  , Also, law enforcement has been compromised through defunding and politicizing the officers.
Then there’s the president’s forfeiture of energy independence, radicals ‘ improved control of the business media, the repression of British citizens, and the political weaponization of law enforcement at the local, state, and federal levels against people expressing their First Amendment rights to rally and issue government actions.  ,
How can anyone not recognize that these laws are part of a plan to overthrow and devastate the United States ‘ constitutional republic?  ,
Everyone is equal under the law, according to the Constitution, whether in the public or private sector. The United States is essentially a banana republic, but it is clear that law enforcement and compliance are clearly unequal today. The abuse of elected officials ‘ and appointees ‘ oaths of office has spread and crosses party lines.  ,
Government would be a good steward of taxpayer resources and avoid imposing debt on future generations in a spiritually enlightened constitutional America. The legislature would have no authority to pass regulations, which would result in the downsizing of all unelected government agencies. Federal departments and organizations like the CIA, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security, which could not be completely reorganized and focused, would be completely reorganized. The military would be transformed into an armed service with unmatched excellence, unparalleled training, and the ability to fight and win wars.  ,
The rights of the people would be fully protected by the law in a constitutional America, and there would be equal justice for all. The First Amendment would be regarded as sacred and honored, leading to a fierce debate of ideas, creating a public square where false political narratives and propaganda would be exposed and unable to survive.  ,
A citizen observer questioned Ben Franklin after the Constitution was drafted and signed by the delegates from the Constitutional Convention on September 17, 1787. He answered,” A republic, if you can keep it” . ,
Today, 237 years later, Franklin’s warning is more relevant than ever because America’s contemporary enemies, foreign and domestic, have the Constitution in the crosshairs for destruction. America’s already fragile freedom and independence will be completely lost if we fail to elect a new, accountable America First government and triumph in the fight to save the Constitution with its Bill of Rights and checks and balances. And so will the rest of the world go.  ,