The Democrat governor recently blocked legislation that would have allowed big Golden State institutions, including the University of California and California State University, to employ undocumented students for college positions. Newsom’s proceed to prevent Assembly Bill 258 may affect almost 55, 000 illegal students living in the state.  ,
Before signing the measure into laws, Newsom requested that state courts understand the propriety of such a measure in a message announcing the veto.
It is crucial that the courts address the legality of such a plan and the fascinating constitutional theory behind this policy before proceeding, he said, given the gravity of the possible consequences of this costs, which include possible criminal and civil liability for state workers.  ,
Newsom struck down another piece of legislation that would have expanded loan assistance to illegal refugees just before the beginning of September. The Democratic-controlled condition senate passed AB 1840 at the end of August. Due to budgetary constraints, Newsom claimed he was “unable to sign the bill” despite the fact that it would have allowed undocumented immigrants to obtain state-funded interest-free money for down payment on houses.  ,

Expanding system registration must be carefully considered within the broader framework of the annual state funds to ensure we maintain our resources effectively, he wrote in a letter announcing the veto. ” For this reason, I am unable to sign this bill”.
California faces a$ 68 billion deficit, according to the state’s Legislative Analyst’s Office. The state’s estimated budget surplus of$ 100 million in 2022 is now significantly lower.  ,
While the majority of Democrats in the state have supported both initiatives that Newsom recently blocked, the other side of the aisle has been up for the initiatives. California Republicans have attacked the bills as “unsustainable” options that prioritize undocumented immigrants over U. S. citizens.
“ Many Californians, some who have been here for generations, ca n’t afford to buy a house in their home state thanks to Democrats ‘ unsustainable economic policies”, Republican Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener” title=””>said in a press release. Should we really be providing scarce cash assistance to immigrants here illegally because so many legal residents are unable to afford a home? Every dollar that goes to an illegal immigrant is one less dollar available to legal residents, including veterans, teachers, and families”.
Not just California Republicans are slaming the bills, either. Former President Donald Trump’s campaign told Politico that the legislation was “fundamentally unfair but typical Democrat policy” while talking about the state’s effort to expand state housing loans to illegal immigrants.
Trump has repeatedly criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for his immigration policies, claiming that Americans are paying the price for the millions of illegal immigrants entering the country from the Biden-Harris administration.  ,
Newsom has repeatedly urged Democratic leaders in California to lie low on bills that could give Trump campaign material as a high-profile substitute for Harris and serve as a high-profile surrogate for him.
With Republicans eyeing California, which is also Harris’s home state, Newsom’s move to ax the two latest bills extending benefits to undocumented immigrants appears to indicate he’s taking his advice.  ,
” It would be impossible to not have California act on these and have this be part of the 2024 election cycle”, Mike Madrid, a GOP political consultant, told the Los Angeles Times.  ,