Tucson, Arizona — Voters in the southwestern region on Friday listened to Vice President Kamala Harris ‘ announcement of her border protection plan, and they were quick to point out that her prudent decision is a component of her appeal.
” Her being the bigger person and just doing what she thinks she needs to do and saying what she needs to say, regardless of what Trump ] says, I think is huge,” Christina Sgrillo of Benson said at the event on Friday evening at Cochise College in Douglas.

For her own element, Harris seemed to believe.
” Options are at hand if we focus on fixing a problem and not running on a problem”, Harris said during her statement, chiding Trump on immigration.
Harris does no arrogance on immigration
Douglas citizen, Rich, who asked not to have his last name printed, said he had lived a few blocks from the global borders for nearly five centuries. Despite how he claimed the Trump campaign had grown obsessed with the issue over the past ten years, he claimed, the issue of unlawful emigration was not novel.
Anyone who lives on this frontier and is unaware that this has been occurring for years is sometimes a total moron or a newcomer, Rich said.
Instead of fighting and pointing fingertips, borders people like him were interested in making complicated problems rules.
” We had that chance with this frontier bill, which was the best factor in a technology”, said Rich. ” Trump tanked it to use it for his plan remarks”.
Voters liked Harris’s insistence that he was n’t firmly rooted in lofty policies on immigration, like Trump’s proposals to carry out mass deportations, block the southern border, and require people seeking asylum to remain in Mexico for months.
They liked Harris ‘ large stroke, staking out her public opinion of a problem without making it an extremely personal issue.

There is no offense to not arrive earlier.
Citizens were not bothered by Harris’s long-term absence from the borders despite it having irked Republicans.
” I’m glad she’s coming to the place and seeing what it’s like, and she’ll get her own view of it, and she’ll be able to talk to the people over around”, said Democratic Joni Giacomino, who is running for Cochise County Board of Supervisors District 2, which includes Douglas.
” She’s got a lot to do as a vice president. And she is merely the vice president — there’s certainly a lot that she can do as far as what’s going on with the frontier right today”, said Sgrillo, 50.
It was a welcome change of pace for Rich to see that Harris has no consistently led a legislative delegation and various politicians to the border as Republican groups have done throughout the years.
” Harris and Biden have made some attempts to resolve the boundary issue.” If she does n’t come here and stand in front of that crazy fence, it does n’t bother me a bit”, said Rich. You do n’t necessarily need to stand directly next to the fence, I suppose. That’s a photo ops. Do you have any work to do? That’s what’s important to these people that live on the boundary”.

Impact of illegal immigration
Despite the fact that most voters reaffirmed that the border was a significant problem, all claimed that the 2, 000-mile international border crisis had not had a lasting impact on them over the past four years and that it had been managed effectively in the present compared to years ago.
” The boundary is a major problem. Emigration transformation is needed”, said Giacomino.
Citizens were divided on whether there were more or less visible signs of improper immigration in the area.
Carolyn Harris, plan administrator for Giacomino, said she had seen media reports of high-speed rushes of cars fleeing law enforcement coming from the borders.
” That kind of crazy stuff is happening, but I do n’t see it any more or any less than before”, Carolyn Harris said. ” I moved here in the ‘ 90s. I see means less recruitment problems”.

But, Cochise College professor of math and science Thomas Guetzloff emphasized that the hunts were taking place and that he had witnessed some in person tens of miles north of the border.
” The car chases are a little scary when they’re going 120]miles per hour ] by you. I live more towards Benson, and I’ve seen a few rolled trucks”, said Guetzloff.

A resident from Bisbee’s following town, Louanne Sterbick-Nelson, said emigration was never something that really affected her community and that Harris may handle anything that was thrown at her.
” She’s doing a great job with the boundary. The boundary is safe”, said Sterbick-Nelson. ” I’m in love with Kamala Harris and what she can do,” she said.
But, Harris has taken a lot of flak for how she handled her White House-appointed task of addressing the root causes of the southern border, where there have been more improper immigrant arrests than any two-term president.
Following President Joe Biden’s assault in June and increased participation from Mexico to stop migrants from entering the United States, the situation has just recently stabilized.
Kamala Harris stated in her Friday statement that she would increase the penalties for illegal immigrants and twice down on that particular executive order.
Other pressing problems
Voters in a culture that has significantly focused on border and immigration said they wished individuals and the media had focused on various issues.
” Health worry, that’s large”, said Sgrillo. ” I became a Type 1 diabetes when I was five years old, and that was n’t by decision. That was past”.
Sgrillo claimed to have paid$ 270 for a three-month supply of glucose, but she now receives no payment as a result of the modifications the Biden-Harris management made.
In their respective campaigns, Giacomino and Carolyn Harris praised women’s rights and concerns as being at the forefront of their minds as they campaigned for this poll.
” Honoring all the women who were behind me because my grandmothers could n’t cast ballots.” All the women who died for the right to vote, and then I suddenly have a chance to include a woman as president. I want it to occur in my lifetime”, said Carolyn Harris. ” I really believe that that’s the way our universe is improve. When people get in positions of power, we rule different, and I believe it’s a friendlier, more lovely, peaceful way to rule. And that’s the kind of earth I want to reside in.