Rep. Michael Cloud (R-TX ) is requesting an answer from Immigration and Customs Enforcement in response to a report that discovered that nearly 300, 000 migrant children had vanished from tracking.
Over 300, 000 immigrant children who were in the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s care effective disappeared from standard sensor, according to a recent statement from the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General. Cloud expressed concerns in a text to ICE acting director Patrick Lechleitner that the “failure” in monitoring had made the children vulnerable to sexual trafficking and forced labour.

” The Biden-Harris government’s failing to monitor hundreds of vulnerable immigrant children is unacceptable”, he told the Washington Examiner. ” About 300, 000 children have largely vanished under their see, putting them at significant risk of smuggling and abuse. This leadership is sat by and is not doing nearly enough to find solutions and resolve this issue.
Over 291, 000 children were n’t issued right notices to look, while 32, 000 more missed their judge times, with ICE conscious of their whereabouts, according to the report.
In his notice, Cloud enquired about what actions were being taken to address the issue.
A journalist attributed the Trump administration to the problems with the program in August. According to Tara Rodas, a national employee with the Department of Health and Human Services, she would hand babies to non-family people, potentially exposing the door to abuse by scammers.
She said she handed babies over to” smugglers, members of international legal organizations, poor actors, terrible, terrible, terrible people”.
Rodas added that the elimination of the screening process was down to the Biden administration.
” At the very beginning of the Biden administration, they stripped all the screening out of the method”, she said.