My friend and I both grew up in the Soviet Union. Nice gentleman. He resisted the notion that the Russians were unaware of the information as the biggest mistake Americans had against the Soviets. We mad entrepreneurs assumed the Soviet people were residing in a property without knowledge because Americans knew the Politburo censored Pravda ( and all Russian-language advertising sources ).  ,
” Those weak, foolish Rooskies! They’ll think everything their authorities tells’ em”!
In reality, he really argued that the same was accurate: Because so many of us assumed our press was truthful and imperative, it was the Americans who were most manipulated by the internet. Until fairly recently, that was the “default setting” for most Americans: Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw were our friends.
Contrary to this, Communist people read their newspapers without realizing it. Thus, they could deduce from the roll, propaganda, and clear lies of absence what was really going on in the world.
Also, it’s today 2024. Election Day is only roughly 24 days away. And more Americans than ever before are consuming multimedia… like Soviets!
How did this happen?
To quote Hemmingway (” The Sun Also Rises” ):” Two ways. Slowly, then suddenly”.
It’s not that we used to overlook discrimination in the media in the past. We all saw it. In the early 1980s, I overheard my Dad— who’s an doctor and chemist ( so very clever about medical products ) — say to my Mother,” It’s so strange. When I watch’ 60 Minutes,’ they often look like they’re doing a great job, but whenever they do a history on everything I know a lot about, they make a ton of mistakes”.
Until fairly recently, we assumed that media partiality was only an occasional bug, no a widespread, overriding feature. The reality is then known. Media discrimination is n’t a strange little blip, but an inherent part of their Genome: They may change, because this is who they are.
Before, liberals would complain and cry about it, but at the end of the day ]shrugs shoulders], what is ya complete? We only have three Television stations and two newspapers in our area, so I suppose we must live with it. Where else will you be?
No anymore. It has n’t been that way since the talk-radio revolution led to the Internet explosion, which led to social media and podcasts.
Exposing and mocking media bias was one of Rush Limbaugh’s enduring legacy, and it was his acquaintances in talk radio. Their tones changed all. Suddenly, it was fine for individuals to fight again.
But they only fought up quietly and quietly. Do you recall President George H. W. Bush in the 1992 conversation?
” My beloved car sticker is,’ Annoy the Media. Re-elect President Bush.'”
It was warm, but hey, at least he made the effort. Of course, his son also struggled to protect himself from unjust media attacks with any degree of skill or enthusiasm ( and McCain and Romney later did so even worse ). Eventually, the GOP had enough and turned to the Orange Bomb-Thrower to protect us. And that was it.
Trump, of course, had a unique approach to the press: Light on, gate gone!
That more freed the media’s side. Now, they no longer even offer chin service to honesty. Then, they let their progressive freak flag soar! Which they certainly have, on MSNBC, ABC, CNN, The Washington Post, and somewhere.
So, knowing their bias ( and divining the media’s tea leaves like’ 70s-era Soviets ), what can we deduce from their recent articles? All we’ve gotta do is send to our media-to-truth receiver ring:
Please do n’t misunderstand me: Nobody knows what will happen on Tuesday. All depends on the get-out-the-vote floor game! However, the Harris battle typically releases information to the media when it leaked it. Not forget: The major media is her boss’s bullhorn as much as it’s Kamala’s! And based on the stories they’re running, I’d say it’s about a 60 % to 40 % probability Trump will win.