The Biden-Harris leadership isn’t easing up on their contraception plan. The federal government is twisting the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act ( EMTALA ) to further its efforts to repeal Idaho’s pro-life law in the next 30 days.  ,
This election, the Democrats were completely vocal about contraception. According to AdImpact, Democrats spent ,$ 570 million  , on abortion-focused TV advertisements for national races during the public vote. Kamala Harris, a failed presidential candidate, was enthralled on abortion despite her failure to come up with clear statements on most subjects.
She and her group repeated one main lay to the British people: pro-life rules kill people. In a September speech, Harris summed up this point, saying,” In more than 20 state, Trump abortion restrictions are preventing doctors from providing basic medical care. People are dying in parking lots, being turned away from emergency apartments, and having no chance of having children again.
Because every position with a pro-life rules has a life of the family exemption that allows expectant women to obtain treatment for miscarriage, ectopic maternity, and other health emergencies, they knew this was a blatant lie. In accordance with every one of these laws, doctors can still rely on their affordable medical judgment when treating pregnant women. Liberals didn’t care, despite what the exact rules say. They continued to spread false information, which is language that puts the lives of expectant women and their children at risk.  ,
Fortunately, Americans saw through their falsehoods and Harris lost. You’d think that would educate Democrats to cease pushing abortion propaganda, but sadly it hasn’t. The Biden administration is using tax dollars to spread this fabricated narrative by launching a constitutional attack on Idaho’s pro-life rules in accordance with the administration’s understanding of the EMTALA.
Twisting EMTALA
In response to alarming studies of people being denied treatment in hospital emergency rooms due to their inability to give, EMTALA was established in the 1980s. Some of these people were expectant women who were denied attention while they were still nursing. The legislation, which didn’t mention pregnancy or require it, was in place to protect the quality of care provided for mothers and their children. But , in a kneejerk response to the turnaround of , Roe v. Wade by the , Dobbs , choice,  , the Biden presidency decided to force abortion into the national EMTALA rules. They issued false advice requiring emergency room health personnel to do” stabilizing” abortions in certain circumstances, ignoring that the EMTALA law’s words covers female women , and their newborn children.
The Biden administration sued Idaho over its state safeguards for babies born in the womb due to their distorted interpretation of the law.  , In June of this year, the Supreme Court sent the case back to the lower court and left Idaho’s pro-life law in place.  , The Democrats ‘ fight hit a flashpoint last week, when their case against the Idaho law resumed as the 9th , Circuit heard this case.
Two Problems with Biden Administration’s Case
There are two big problems with the federal government’s case. First, Idaho’s law not only protects unborn children but also their mothers. Women who have a medical emergency while pregnant are protected by the state’s life of the mother exception. The Biden-Harris Department of Justice failed to raise a single diagnosis that would not already be covered by the life of the mother provision during oral arguments before the Supreme Court.
The EMTALA law specifically mentions and includes the unborn child in the unborn child’s text, which is the second major issue. One of the most important federal laws that acknowledges the humanity of the child in the womb is actually one of the key ones. The requirement to provide life-sustaining treatment for the unborn child is referenced , four times.  ,
Americans reject the lie.
In reality, this court case is not about the facts. The Biden-Harris regime and Democrats are making yet another attempt to scare people into believing that women can get care when they try to force their failed abortion policy on everyone. Democrats and the pro-choice movement desperately need this lie to continue because they are incredibly opposed to their plan for an all-trimester abortion. Only they can continue on this political path by using political extortion.
Thankfully, voters saw through their lies in November. And despite the nearly half a billion dollars the Democrats invested in abortion TV ads, the pro-life party won the White House, the House, and the Senate in the first presidential election since , Roe , fell. Voters rejected this fabricated story on Election Day, and Circuit judges should reject it right away. Attorney General Raul Labrador and other Americans should support him in defending Idaho’s constitutional protection of unborn children and their mothers.
Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America’s state public affairs director is Kelsey Pritchard.