James Carville largely ruined his reputation as a reliable Democratic strategist by insisting Kamala Harris would win the election despite it being too obvious for someone with his knowledge and experience to know.  ,
” America, it will all be OK. Ms. Harris may be elected the future president of the United States. Of this, I am certain”, he predicted in a New York Times op-ed up in October.
But on Thursday, he finally admitted that he was bad.
In a brand-new op-ed for the New York Times, he lamented,” I thought Kamala Harris had win.” ” I was bad. The most crucial thing for us right now is acknowledging that we were bad and taking actions on the prevalent “why,” even though I’m sure we Democrats may say that the reduction wasn’t a disaster or taking some solace in our House performance.
Carville also discovered Kamala’s defeat through his epiphany.
I’ve been going over this in my mind for the past two weeks, all the elements, all the what-ifs, all the questions about Joe Biden’s re-election choices and what kind of Democrat or concept may have worked against Donald Trump. I keep returning to the same situation. We lost for one very basic purpose: It was, it is and it always will be the economy, ridiculous. We must start 2025 with that as our democratic north star and steer clear of any further distractions.
Although it’s encouraging to see Carville acknowledge his errors, his past wisdom fails to discredit the striking errors that led to this stage for his party. Carville, like many others on the left, made the error of telling his part what it wanted to hear rather than the truth. Carville may not have been the only one to be guilty of this, but he, above all others, may have known better because he is the author of the saying “it’s the business, stupid” and should have known that despite White House assertions about how strong the business was, Americans didn’t view it that way.
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For what it’s for, Carville didn’t specifically say the Trump business was wastes — only the public’s understanding of it.
” Although the U. S. business remains the strongest in the world, with G. D. P. soaring and inflation sinking, the British people did not settle for us being better than the rest or take that as fine enough”, he said. Otherwise, Carville concluded that” Democrats have flat-out lost the financial narrative”, and the only way Democrats can win again is to “take it back”.
Democrats claim that they have a communication issue is the only thing that annoys them more than saying the sector is strong. When the popular press is on your side and constantly pushing your tale, communications isn’t the issue. Remember, Joe Biden tried to sell the government on” Bidenomics” and that failed miserably. The community doesn’t like being told that everything is great when they’re paying generally high prices for gasoline, groceries, and resources.
Carville abandoned the cliche that had earned him the right to show Democrat citizens what they wanted to hear. In fact, in his October op-ed predicting that Harris did win the election, he didn’t explain the business again. Why no? Was he conscious of polls that showed Americans believed the business was heading in the wrong direction and that they had a stronger faith in Trump than Harris?  ,
When you watch experts and authorities, it’s easy to figure out who is real and which ones are simply blatant girls. Carville was once one of the wise ones, but he is now only a pitiful Democrat cheerleader who can no longer be taken seriously.