With the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the world’s highest civilian honor, Joe Biden has entirely answered any issue that was raised before regarding how hated God and all other religions are ( with the exception of Islam ).
A self-proclaimed Catholic, whose deeds have always been directly opposed to Catholic religion, Biden is awarding this respect to Cecile Richards, the President of Planned Parenthood. With the exception of taking steps to save the family’s life that aren’t directly at the child, pregnancy is strictly forbidden in Catholicism, which is a fundamental principle of the religion. The concept of ensoulment, which is the idea that a consciousness enters the infant at conception, is a part of Catholic teachings. The Church has a fundamental belief since Tertullian’s next era, that the soul enters that time, and that abortion is forbidden.
Similar to this, pregnancy is prohibited in Judaism unless the infant is directly threatening the family’s lifestyle. Pregnancy is only allowed in Israeli rules if the infant is a “rodef”, meaning “pursuer”. Despite what the numerous communist rabbis in this nation say, who are more devoted to leftist politics than to Jewish theology, it has been accepted that pregnancy is prohibited in any other circumstances for around 2, 000 years.
One point is for Joe Biden to vehemently back the anti-religious methods of Planned Parenthood. However, for him to actively recognize Richards with this great distinction is an attack on the religion he claims to be a part of. It is an assault on every Catholic, pro-life Christian, and real Jew. Joe Biden is yet another case of him criticizing people of faith, church, and the president of Planned Parenthood.
However, Sleepy Joe has never been opposed to any other church besides the Biden family, but his tribute to George Soros is the most recent indication of how deeply he despises Jews, Judaism, and Israel.
Some, if any, people on this planet have done more harm to Israel and the Hebrew people than George Soros. This self-loathing Jew also admitted to helping the Nazis seize Romanian Jews ‘ home during the Holocaust, giving evidence that” someone else would do it” if he hadn’t. Soros has long been a fervent economic supporter of Black Lives Matter ( BLM), a group that calls for Israel’s destruction in its statement. George Soros has supported a number of social individuals who have a clear pattern of not prosecuting hate crimes against Jews, as the injustices of institutional Jew-hatred on university campuses next year.
No one has hurt Israel more cruelly than this abhorrent person. No one has funded more devastation against Israel and the American Jewish society than Soros, according to Alan Dershowitz, who claimed that” no one person has done more harm to Israel’s standing in the world.”
Soros is the largest individual donation to J Street, a communist pro-Palestinian institution that purports to be a follower of Judaism, despite the fact that it practices the communist faith. Soros gave 100 million dollars to Human Rights Watch, a group whose founder, Robert Bernstein, decried its actions against Israel and claimed that its new goal is to “help those who wish to convert Israel into a pariah state.”
There is just no other person more than George Soros who has attempted to harm Israel and Jews in recent years.
However, Presidentish Joe Biden has chosen to grant these two people the world’s highest civilian honor despite Richards and Soros ‘ anti-religious commitments. It is an affront to every man of belief in this country, but unfortunately, not a wonder in any way.
Biden has spent his vocation, and particularly his time as President, in attacking Christianity and Judaism, while empowering communist atheism and Islam. Not forget that this is the person who transformed Easter from a day of celebration for those who struggle with gender dysphoria at the White House. At the same time as the Nigerian authorities was facilitating the persecution of Christians there, he removed Nigeria from the view record for religious freedom. He remained motionless as the Azerbaijani state starved the indigenous Christian group in Nagorno-Karanakh and refused to stop providing humanitarian aid to the tortured Christians. Compare that action to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s demand on Israel to aid Hamas just days after the October 7 attack ( something that Secretary of State Anthony Blinken finally publicly acknowledged this weekend in an interview with the New York Times ).
Since that awful moment 15 months ago when Hamas attacked Israel, Biden’s hatred for Israel has become all too obvious. He has made both Israel and Netanyahu to use their arms in a back-to-earth conflict. He has kept hands and items away from America’s most devoted and trusted ally worldwide. He has frequently pushed for the success of rulers such as Assad, the elites in Qatar, and jihadists such as Hamas and Hezbollah, while he has abandoned Israel… the ancient house of the Hebrew people, and the birth of Jesus.
We have all watched Joe Biden strike religion for four years and make every effort to replace it with communist principles of liberal atheism. Actually, Richards and Soros are not surprising in his honor. However, Biden’s decision to attack faith in the few minor ways he has left to do so is beyond upsetting and saddening. It is a reflection of the man’s cruel and hateful nature and a stain on his soul.
Let us all be thankful to God that a leader may be elected in a few weeks, who proudly supports religion and requests God’s approval in all of his deeds.