There are beautiful couple guarantees in life, but this I’ll promise: Kamala Harris’s bar is gonna create MINT evening! Ca-ching!
The entire January 6 certification scene has been a “riot” to see, if you’ll “pardon” the joke. What a present! ( Democrats are sort of cute when they’re out of power. ) With sweeping paintings, they painted themselves in a part: After four long years of violent shrieking about the so-called “insurrection”, the consequences of election for, and Trump being “literally Hitler”, they had absolutely no cards left to play. The only thing they could do was pretend that the hamburger was delicious and take it.
They were hoping they’d at least be credited with the moral high ground, since they accepted the election results (unlike you-know-who ). That’s true, but they’re accepting the election results for people they’re still insisting is “literally Hitler”, and you’re no winning the moral high ground with that.
When Hitler won,” we didn’t obtain overly angry or protest to much”! is a horrible selling ball.
Over the next several weeks, the Democratic Party may be disorganized, crazed, unscrupulous, and unfocused. ( So, business as usual. ) Their compulsive contempt for Trump will serve as their only guiding characteristic, but there is nothing else to be done. For the first time in an extremely long time, the Democrats are not only out of energy — they’re also out of trainees.
There’s nothing on their couch with the trustworthiness, gravitas, and title recognition to have their flag.
But that’s not always a bad point: When the status quo hurts, change the status quo. It was long overdue for a millennial change.  ,
Beginning nowadays, the whole democratic movement will be kicking and prodding for position in an effort to take the title of Husky on the Iditarod. It’ll be a largescale, WWE-style war royal between all the leftwing crazies and ambitious blowhards with fantasies of greatness. Thousands of brain knocks, eye-gauging, and double-teams. There aren’t many clothes in the circle.
At play is, quite literally, the future of the Democratic Party. That’s great! People have killed significantly less.
If you’re a conventional, you might get a sadness fun from all the left-on-left murder, but the future programing stop isn’t for you. The traditional market is useless. Instead, the Democrats will be speaking to Democrats exclusively, in a frantic race against the clock to capture hearts and minds ( and donors ‘ wallets ).
The illegal Democratic primary will take place in the following six months. The success hasn’t actually claim the 2028 presidential election, but he or she will be their torchbearer and laid their plan. For some Democrats, this will be their next bite at the apple: Wide opened social opportunities are incredibly rare, and if they don’t capitalize on it now, there probably won’t be a tomorrow. It’s now or never, there’s a pretty true sense of urgency.
Every Democrat who wants to be president did battle it out for the title.
But for Republicans, it’s an wholly different attitude. At Disney World, it seems like we only got our hands stamped!
And on January 20, we’ll provide the Magic Kingdom.
We’re no searching for our next president. We’re never scratching our mind, trying to scrape together an objective. We’re set. We now have our leaders, our plan, and our moving orders— and now we’re willing to surprise the tower.
It’s a novel era in America. A moment of unrestrained optimism. A restored sense of pride in Lady Liberty’s and her people’s glory. All that matters is how difficult we work, how great we desire, and how much we pray.
American can do anything!
Places frequently display their leaders ‘ traits and characteristics. Winston Churchill also resembled a British dog. Thus, under the supervision of President Biden, the United States of America was equivalent to a shambling, ignorant, mistake-prone klutz. We wandered about, broke points, and then wandered again. Our friends profiteered from us, and our foes mocked us. Our best times were in the back camera.
What a change a command change can make!
America is regaining her flair. We’re like Rocky Balboa AFTER that education clip. And now, if someone gets too big for their britches — Canada, I’m looking at you ( eh? ) — we’re never gonna take it anymore. The” Kick Me” sign has escaped from behind us. Instead, we’ll smack you, reassign you to a government … and maybe even decline your puny little authorities.
If you haven’t noticed, this ain’t Joe Biden’s America no ma’.
The official start of Covfefee’s Age.