A leading expert recently received a warning that the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) of the Biden-Harris administration is proposing a new rule that would ban the majority of cigarettes sold in stores and require cigarettes to have lower nicotine levels, which he believes would be a “gift” to drug cartels and other criminal organizations that control the black market.
Rich Marianos, chairman of the Tobacco Law Enforcement Network and former assistant director of the U. S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, told Fox News,” Biden’s ban is a gift with a bow and bubbles to , organized crime cartels , with it, whether it’s organizations, Chinese organized crime, or Russian mob. It’s going to stay America cigarettes, and it’s going to make the streets more harsh”.
In a letter to the Biden-Harris management, Marianos warned Fox News that if the country’s population is allowed to trade smokes and other tobacco products, improper cigarette trafficking will likely rise in the United States.
” This choice is being thrown down the government’s chest without one iota of consideration and planning. Nothing sat , down with law enforcement, anyone sat down with any specialists”, Marianos said. ” No one sat down with any officials to find out,’ Hey, look, what are the unforeseen consequences of such a poor option,’ and that’s what I’m going to contact it, a bad option”.
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Marianos claimed to Fox News that Mexican drug cartels could bring improper tobacco products into the United States in the same way they smuggle methadone and other illegal drugs. He warned that Russian and Chinese legal institutions are active in the United States and may benefit from a rise in the black market brought on by new regulations on tobacco products.
The FDA confirmed on Monday that the regulatory evaluation process for the Tobacco Product Standard of Certain Tobacco Products had begun as of January 3, according to Fox News, but the company claimed that the new law has not yet been approved.
A spokesman for the FDA stated that the proposed rule,” Tobacco Product Standard for Nicotine Level of Certain Tobacco Products,” is displayed in the Office of Management and Budget’s ( OMB) ROCIS system as having undergone regulatory review on January 3.
The FDA spokesman added,” As the FDA has recently said, a proposed solution common to establish a highest smoking level to reduce the addictiveness of tobacco and certain other , combusted tobacco goods, when finalized, is estimated to be among the most impactful population-level activities in the background of U. S. tobacco product regulation. At this time, the FDA cannot provide any further comment until it is published”.