Don’t employ someone whose policies led to those disasters, as the next time you elect a president who will be required to handle a catastrophe, because that would be devastating to the devastated and troubled Los Angeles voters.  ,
Don’t get someone who is:  ,
- Incompetent
- One who hates our land
- A Cuba-inspired commie
- People who inspired bombing the U. S. Capitol
Mayor Yoga Pants Garcetti was terrible, but for God’s sake, individuals, Karen Bass?  ,
Hiring a luxury believing new age” Angelino”  , was unserious, but a person who hates American values should be a non-starter. When did it became customary to employ individuals who detest your way of life, Los Angeles?  ,
You hired a commie who thinks you have too much “privilege”, you wrong-colored, wealthy, narcissist. If you’re also permitted to repair on your own property, good luck getting creating permits and approvals.
Obviously, LA citizens, you have no idea how to elect officials who know that waters and security are more significant than giving cash to pro-Hamas “protesters” and the transsexual song.  ,
Allow me to give you some ideas for future elections, but second, come sit next to me and let’s get to the heart of the matter. Show me where a regular man has caused you harm.  ,
To begin with, towns, counties, and states don’t work themselves. Anyone who wants the subject of mayor must be familiar with everything that is expected of them. They ought to be aware of when there is adequate water to start fires. They ought to at least be able to comprehend the basics of the duties of law enforcement and firefighting. You may require them to express their opinions and demonstrated powers on these problems. They may be guided by first rules. So, find someone to manage the organization with an eye toward meeting your fundamental political requirements.  ,
These are:  ,
- Water
- Safety
You can toss garbage pull up in there somewhere, also. However, here are some pro-tips to get under consideration when evaluating your second crop of municipal candidates. Really ponder each of these , true facts , about Karen Bass:
- Hire the person who has never traveled to Cuba before to devotion at Fidel Castro’s legs.  ,
- Hire the individual who didn’t lead the socialist movement that sparked the 1983 bombing of the United States Capitol Building.  ,
- Hire the people you’re certain will retain water in the fireplace hydrants.  ,
- Hire the person who didn’t reduce the fire funds.
- Vote for the candidate who didn’t spend$ 2 billion in COVID money with little to show for it.
- Hire someone who prioritizes public safety above all else rather than one who believes in honoring health as a privilege deserving of.  ,
- Hire a president who respects the right to private property Â
- Hire a person who puts second concepts at the top of the investing priorities ,
Also, and this is a requirement, hire a president who wouldn’t have a deputy mayor who rang in bomb threats and was forced to leave his position, making him absent when the mayor traveled to Ghana on a junket.
Here’s a summary of Karen Bass’s socialist bonafides.  ,
Bass was on the little checklist to be Joe Biden’s veep. Karen Bass did make a good candidate for the social left of Kamala.  ,
In 2020, when Bass was under thought, the Trump campaign don’t feel it. Trump’s tent sent a gaffe to the internet, who, of course, entirely ignored it. Even though Bass was the head of a Cuban commie group known as” Venceremos Brigade,” whose goal was to attract more foreigners and cause havoc in the United States, the LA Times later supported her for president. It was, in short, an intellect activity by Fidel Castro’s state. Karen Bass led it in L. A.
Here’s the knowledge the Trump plan sent in a press release, verified by UC Santa Barbara—and it’s crazy.  ,
The Venceremos Brigade was a socialist organization that conducted guerrilla warfare training. It was not a philanthropic business. Our way of life depends on it, according to Mercedes Schlapp, Trump 2020 Senior Advisor for Strategic Communications, adding that the fact that Joe Biden is also considering a socialist supporter like Karen Bass as a possible evil leader proves that no matter who he chooses as his working mate.  ,
” As the daughter of a former Cuban political prisoner, I can tell you that Bass ‘ portrayal of the Venceremos Brigade is blatantly false and offensive to Cuban Americans. Fidel Castro’s regime’s best spy agency manages the dramatic Marxist organization The Venceremos Brigade.  ,
You’ll notice that I said” evil “above. Bases ‘ Venceremos Brigade was linked to domestic terrorist organizations, including the all-women M19 group responsible for the 1983 bombing of the United States Capitol Building. I’m told that attack on the Capitol are disqualifying.  ,
Before the 2022 president’s competition, the Washington Examiner ran a bit about Bass.
Bass took eight visits to Cuba, in violation of the U. S. travel ban, to assist the VB. Established in 1969, the VB is a Caribbean program organization that aims to adorn Havana’s image worldwide, especially in the U. S. For more than a half-century, the VB has brought groups of Americans, generally pro-Castro leftists, to the island to join with regime officials and help Havana with propaganda….  ,
]I ] n 1975, the Communist Daily World newspapers described her as the” head of the Venceremos Brigade in southeastern California, “while a 1996 scientific research depicted Bass in the 1970s like therefore:” As a’ brigadista’ and then administrator for the Venceremos Brigades, Karen visited Cuba every 6 weeks. ” A 1975 LA Police Department intelligence report described the then-22-year-old Bass as a” leader “in the VB, which was alleged to” train revolutionary-prone Americans in terrorist tactics and guerrilla warfare while claiming to harvest sugar cane. ”  ,
Now hold on, I’m reliably told by Adam” Russia, Russia, Russia” Schiff, Eric” Fang Fang” Swalwell, and other L. A. and D. C. Democrats, that being a commie spy is disqualifying.  ,
But not for Commie Karen.  ,
In 1982, a DGI senior officer who defected to the United States, Gerardo Peraza, testified before the Senate in relation to his personal encounter with the VB and how his organization used it as a front to recruit Americans to spies for Havana. Peraza described how” brigadistas” ]like Bass ] were employed by Havana to spy on American targets, ironically including Congress. Another DGI defector informed the FBI that Cuban intelligence was in complete control of the VB a year later.
It is tempting to dismiss Bass’s work for Havana as a youthful indiscretion, something long in the past, as forgettable as a bad 1970s haircut. Bass, however, posted a formal message on her congressional website to “moment” the passing of the Comandante en Jefe “as” a great loss to the Cuban people when Fidel Castro passed away in 2016. ”  ,
Independent journalist Michael Schellenberger claimed Bass was inspired by what many California leftists were at the time in a lengthy message. They all share the” values” of envy. Schellenberger, a man of the left who’s been red pilled by the Censorship Industrial Complex and COVID tyranny, put it this way:
People in California who are in charge of the Democratic Party read books about Los Angeles, like Mike Davis ‘ City of Quartz. According to Davis, the issue in Los Angeles is that too much money is used to fund initiatives like firefighting to protect wealthy neighborhoods. They did the same thing on crime and homelessness. They didn’t give the police enough money. They weakened the laws allowing for robberies and burglaries. They subsided from homelessness, drawing homeless people from all over the country to illegally camp and start fires. Over half of the fires in cities like Los Angeles and Oakland are the result of the homeless slaying, frequently in the name of some racial gain.
Governor Gavin Newsom, Mayor Karen Bass, and the Democratic Party will be telling you that there is nothing that can be done to stop the fires from destroying Los Angeles over the coming weeks.
Those will be lies. They had a chance to stop them. Governor… pic.
— Michael Shellenberger ( @shellenberger ) January 9, 2025
So in conclusion, communism doesn’t work, therefore it’s a luxury belief. Don’t hire a commie and expect that person to share your values on what is important in American life, regarding the value of life, property, family, and religion. They don’t give safety the same importance as you do. They believe safety is based on equity, but they’ll never tell you when equity is achieved. They disagree with you on the most fundamental of tried-and-true ideas. They They just don’t. So don’t vote for them.  ,
You’re welcome. Spread this out to the rest of America.  ,