” Peace is our profession” was the official motto of America’s Strategic Air Command ( SAC ) in the 1950s under the command of Gen. Curtis LeMay. The unofficial second quarter read,” War is really something we do for punches.”  ,
LeMay gained a popularity during World War II, especially after August 1944, when he was in charge of our corporate bombing campaign against Japanese allies.  ,
While LeMay might not have been very when hard-talking as Admiral William F. Halsey Jr.— whose war strategy, in his own words, was,” Remove Japs, remove Japs, destroy more Japs”! — LeMay did had two nuclear-armed B-29s do his thinking for him over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So Joseph Stalin in Moscow received a strong message when President Harry Truman appointed LeMay as head of SAC, our radioactive bombing control.
The information was,” I’ve got this attack dog on a collar, but I don’t know what might happen if you make me let it go”. It’s a smart tactical move to take, and having someone convincing as the attack dog is a plus. For all his faults, LeMay played the part with frightening ease — as Truman ( and later Eisenhower ) intended.
When we consider the proper choices we made in 2025, our approach is almost as clumsy as LeMay’s small, understaffed bomber force forging into the feared SAC. I didn’t bore you with all the nitty-gritty details but once. However, I will keep in mind that Communist China is a global thug under Xi Jinping and is expanding its air and naval forces, specifically its navy, at a spectacular rate. Xi intends to reconquer with Taiwan ( by force if necessary ) and rule the Pacific, at least as far as the Midway.  ,
In the meantime, we haven’t even begun the work to put our naval power back where it is required, which will begin with rebuilding the fundamental shipping facilities that we have let crumble for the past 30 years. We are currently in a time of corporate agression.
Select one Donald J. Trump, step right.
So the President-reelect started in with mad talk about conquering Canada, taking back the Panama Canal, and buying Greenland. Then Trump actually raised the stakes by saying he doesn’t rule out military actions. The crazy-like-a-fox shift is to speak like an even bigger interventionist power yourself when confronted with an actual interventionist power like Communist China.
Nothing is out-Trump Trump, simply like nothing was out-LeMay LeMay. Trump, in other words, is his own best strike dog — and there’s nothing holding the rope. ” I’m nuts”! is a wise decision to make when our present military might not be strong enough to prevent a war.
Might not be enough? They aren’t much. After Obama almost defeated the top ranks of warfighters and Joe Biden fought the bottom with DEI and wokeism, a square of war stretches from Eastern Europe to the southwestern border of the Red Sea, and China is engaged in low-level and just-short-of-war operations from the Baltic to the Himalayas to the South China Sea.  ,
” Panama Canal”? Trump was reveal monday. America must have complete power over the Suez Canal! And when Crimea becomes the 52nd state, I’ll construct casinos there so that the most stunning Putin did reside there. I may nominate Don Jr. as King of Mexico or bomb Luxemburg. You simply never know”.
Perhaps Xi, or actually Vladimir Putin, will immediately recognize the value of resuming discussions with Trump before he commits a truly ridiculous act. War is his job, he’s making them know. Simply put, harmony is something he does for fun.
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