President Joe Biden appears to be laughing about the destructive California wildfires, which have claimed at least 10 lives and caused billions of dollars worth of damage to the Los Angeles area. This is a topic that has received a lot of negative press on social media.
According to Fox News, Biden met with a number of senior leaders on Thursday, including Vice President Kamala Harris, to discuss the federal government’s answer to the fires that are raging throughout Southern California. After announcing the government’s plan to assist California in battling the fire and recovering from the horror, Biden joked while giving Harris an opportunity to address the situation that has affected her home position.
Biden said,” Madam Vice President, I know you’re immediately affected. But you fire away, no joke intended”.
Sharing the video on social media, RNC Research wrote,” Is there something interesting about this? Definitely disgusting”.
Biden’s prank was immediately met with reaction by social media users on Thursday. Redstate author Bonchie shared RNC Research’s videos and said,” WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS DUDE”.
Derek Hunter, a Townhall.com journalist, wrote,” Most of the time, @JoeBiden is just a mean, vindictive man ( has been his whole career ), but in this case I think this can be blamed on his senility”.
Biden was” entirely tone deaf,” according to the liberal pundit Steve Guest, while the president was called a “jerk.” Traditional journalist Ben Kew said it was “probably not the time to make jokes” at a meeting that focused on the administration’s response to the massive fire that California experienced.
Stephen Miller, an director for The Spectator, added,” Yet Kamala at this point is like’ You serious fella?'”
READ MORE: Videos/Pics: 5 killed, 179, 000 under evacuation orders as fire devastate Calif.
After the chairman faced criticism on Wednesday for holding a press conference with the governor, Biden made a joke about the destructive California fires. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif. ) and California fire officials to announce that his first great-grandson was born.
” Just one piece of good news: my brother lives out here and his family”, Biden said. They were informed yesterday that their house was most likely to be completely burned to the ground. Now, it appears that it’s nonetheless standing, they’re not certain”.
” The good news is, I’m a great-grandfather as of today”, Biden added.
Biden stated during the lecture on Thursday that the federal government would pay for the entire 180-day fire hazard answer, according to Fox News.
” That’s going to pay for things like dust and risk material treatment, temporary homes, first responders ‘ pay, and all of the security measures to protect life and property”, Biden said. ” I want to underline, I told the government and local officers: spare no expense. And we’re doing it practically at the national level.