The second 11 chapters of the book of Genesis deal with God laying out His plan to save a sinful earth. The Tower of Babel, in which the conceited people try to build a items to heaven, is where those pages end, and where He connotes them in various languages.
Then, there were the same terms and the same terminology on the planet. And as individuals moved from the west, they settled on a flat in the province of Shinar. And they said to one another,” Travel, let us make bricks, and burn them completely”. And they had masonry for stone, and petroleum for cement. Then they said,” Travel, let us establish ourselves a capital and a building with its best in the sky, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the entire earth”. And the Lord went down to view the castle and the area that the babies of man had constructed. And the Lord said,” Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And they won’t be able to do anything that they want to. Come, let us go along and that confuse their language, so that they may not know one another’s speech”. They left the city and the Lord dispersed them from that, covering the entire face of the earth. Hence, the title Babel was chosen because the Lord that confused the language of the entire earth. And from there, the Lord poured them out onto the entire face of the earth.
Genesis 11: 1-9 ( ESV )
The ESV Study Bible’s records state that” This season is significantly more important than its size suggests. It depicts a united humanity using all of its resources to build a town that is the opposite of what God intended when he created the world. The town developers see themselves as determining and establishing their personal life without any allusion to the Lord, and the building is a representation of human freedom.
It’s difficult to ignore the importance of God misinterpreting the language of the populace. If they don’t talk, they couldn’t achieve this ambitious memorial to their pride. God even distributed people throughout the world to prevent them from concentrating solely in one location.
In the next few pages, God set His plan of salvation into action by calling Abram, whom He would name Abraham, to launch a new country that would provide as God’s chosen people.  ,
” And]the Lord ] brought]Abram ] outside and said,’ Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.’ Then he said to him,’ But may your sons be.’ And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness”, Genesis 15: 5-6 tells us.
Relevant:  , Sunday Thoughts: From Rebellion to Sacrifice
Abraham represents God’s promises to all people of the redemption that came through Jesus, despite the fact that he was the Israeli nation’s papa. After Jesus ascended into heaven, individuals saw an obvious parallel to Genesis:
When the Pentecostal celebration was approaching, they were all gathered in one area. And then, suddenly, a noise similar to the harsh wind’s rumble erupted, and it swept the whole house where they were seated. Split mouths, as of fireplace, appeared among them, and a mouth rested on each of them. As the Spirit led them, all of them began speaking in different languages as they were able. In Jerusalem, there were devoted Jews from every country under heaven. And when the crowd gathered and began to wonder because they were all speaking in their native tongue, the throng was perplexed. Surprised and baffled, they asked,” Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own local language? Dynasty, Medes, Elamites, and people of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the elements of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and tourists from Rome, both Jews and catechumens, Cretans and Arabs—in our own language we hear them speaking about God’s activities of power”. All were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another,” What does this mean”?
Acts 2: 1-12 ( NRSV )
Because they attempted to do things on their own without God’s assistance, God has divided people by speech. By giving the Apostles the ability to communicate the gospel of Jesus to the world in different languages, He demonstrated that the bible was applicable to everyone when He sent His Son as the redemption sacrifice for our sins.
Another instance of geometry in the Bible makes you realize how great and amazing God’s story is. And it piques my interest even more in His Word. How about you?