As Donald Trump’s second inauguration draws near, a bitter dispute is raging between his defeated but still quite stupid communist followers: if they act morally toward him and his supporters, or if they continue to act as if they are pretending to be fascists and insurrectionists who pose an immediate threat to what they unctuously and counterfactually insist upon calling “our politics”?  ,
The two factors are currently fighting it out. Don Lemon, a disgraced former CNN host, has vehemently and unmistakably endorsed the former camp and criticizes MSNBC’s far-left Joe Scarborough for daring to suggest that even everyone should just relax and stop acting as though a Trump presidency would mean the end of the world as we know it.
After the network praised former President Barack Obama for being helpful with President-elect Trump at former President Jimmy Carter’s funeral, Scarborough had an exchange with former RNC head Michael Steele, a fanatical and Romneyite stooge of the departed. Steele shot again:” You like to suggest 78 million people voted for Donald Trump, also 82 million people voted for Joe Biden… politeness is a two-way city”. Yeah, that’s right: Steele added a million more ghosts to the ones who now voted for Old Joe.
Anyhow, as to politeness, positive, Mike, it is a two-way road. And but let’s consider what Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Absolut ) said again in 2018, during Trump’s first management:” I just don’t even understand why there aren’t rebellion all over the country. And perhaps there will be.” That was not much before Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Get Trump ) said this about Trump’s Cabinet people:” If you see anything from that Cabinet in a cafe, in a department store, at a gas station, you get out and you create a group and you push up on them! And you tell them that they are not pleasant, again, somewhere”.
Therefore in June 2020, during the George Floyd protests, Kamala Harris, who had a wonderful prospect ahead of her, said of the demonstrations:” They’re not going to cease. This is a action, I’m telling you. They’re not going to quit and all beware, because they’re not going to cease. They won’t prevent before November’s election time, and they won’t prevent after. On both counts, people should take note of that. They won’t let up, neither if we nor should they.  ,
Is Steele provide quotes from three leftist politicians who appear to call for violent action? Of course he cannot. Although civility is a two-way city, the left is almost entirely to blame for how little American politics is currently about.  ,
Don Lemon, nevertheless, do vehemently disagree with that assessment. On his” Live at Five” radio, Lemon unleashed a furious diatribe against Joe Scarborough for calling for politeness toward Trump followers:” If one disrespects my loved one, I don’t have to grin in their f–king experience! And they’re going to recognize it…. These are the exact equal MAGA people who have referred to Michelle Obama as a person and who Donald Trump has supported in promotion. I’m no smiling in your mouth if you’re calling my girl and my mom or my family or my girl, a man. F–k you” ! ,
Then, wait a moment, Don. Why would any communist get rude claims about Michelle Obama? Aren’t we supposed to think that a man who claims to be a person deserves praise and congratulations regardless of whether she herself is actually a man or a woman? But why would it be such a terrible affront to speculate that a particular person might be one of them?
 ,  ,  , Related: Elizabeth Warren Finds One of Those Right-Wing Fanatics the Biden Regime Has Been Warning Us About ,
Without pausing to explain that oddity, Lemon added:” If they’re going to surrender seemingly like that formally, then what does that mean in the broader sense of the construction of the fabric of our world”? He told Scarborough,” You have to show the American people that this is not normal …grinning with someone you have called a fascist over the past few years and the last months.” That’s not normal. Folks are tired of the behavior being normalized”.  ,
Lemon is right. The Democrats have positioned themselves in the dark. If Trump’s claims about him over the past eight years were accurate, they have no business acting as though he is a regular American president-elect about to undergo a regular inauguration. If Democrats act as if it’s all business as usual, they’re tacitly admitting that they’ve been lying for all these years: the sky isn’t falling, Trump isn’t an insurrectionist or a fascist, and he is no threat to “our democracy”. The only thing that Nancy Pelosi wanted is the uprising, though. Don Lemon appears to have that in mind as well.