According to AAA, the average cost for a quart of regular gasoline in the country is still higher than it was a month ago. Monday’s value,$ 3.065 per quart, is almost four percent higher than a fortnight ago, when a gallon of regular gasoline cost$ 3.026.
After months of declining charges, with the regional average for a gallon of gas falling to$ 3.01 in December, oil rates increased slightly after Christmas. The typical cost for a gallon of regular gasoline was$ 3.071 when the average cost for a gallon of gas was$ 3.071. However, despite the recent residual increases, fuel prices have dropped substantially from 2024’s spikes in spring. Overall, the national average price for a gallon of regular gasoline is the lowest since May 2021, when the average amount was$ 2.985 per gallon, according to the Energy Information Administration.
Oil prices have been a hot issue for people in the country since President Joe Biden first took office, as petrol has cost significantly more than it did when President-elect Donald Trump was in business. In June 2021, less than six months after Biden’s inauguration, gas prices soared to over$ 4 per gallon. Oil prices started to drop after reaching the highest national average rate in the government’s record in 2022.
Pricing changed between 2022 and 2024, before reaching their all-time deep in April 2024. By the next month, the cost of a gallon of gas began to fall eventually. However, with only one year left in Biden’s word, the average nationwide price for regular gas is higher than it was any day during Trump’s administration, between January 2017 and January 2020.
Depending on the state, costs vary across the country while the average cost for regular oil is currently$ 3.065. Prices range from$ 2.56 to$ 4.54 per gallon. Petrol prices in Hawaii start at$ 4.54 per quart, which is the most expensive in the country. However, at$ 2.56 per quart, Oklahoma has the cheapest oil.
Despite Monday’s national average price for regular gas at$ 3.065, gas prices around the nation vary significantly, depending on the state. Fuel costs range from$ 2.582 to$ 4.524 per gallon. Hawaii has the nation’s most expensive gas prices, which are$ 4. 524 per gallon. However, at$ 2.582 per quart, Oklahoma has the cheapest oil.
In Washington, D. C., and the states surrounding the nation’s capital, gas prices range from under$ 3 per gallon to over$ 3.20 per gallon on Monday. Virginia has the least expensive costs in the Delmarva place, costing$ 2.951 per quart. The condition with the next-highest average price for a gallon of regular fuel, at$ 3.041, is Maryland, whereas the state average for a gallon of regular gasoline in Maryland on Monday is$ 3.111. Washington, D. C., has the highest average fuel costs in the area, costing$ 3.238 for a gallon of regular gas.