The remaining is at conflict with truth, and it has for generations. And Old Joe Biden only confirmed that this conflict is also raging despite the fact that many Americans are unaware of the pitched battles that are still being waged.
The battle over abortion may have started in earnest in the early years of the conflict because liberals had grown accustomed to insist that the baby growing inside the womb was merely a” clump of cells” and/or a “part of the person’s body.” Today, that fantasy is still very much alive along with the media’s demands that we all accept that men can change into women and vice versa, that criminal penalties may be eliminated without putting the people at risk, and that ever-higher taxes may encourage economic growth rather than impoverished Americans.
When he addressed his minions at the State Department on Monday, Old Joe showed us that he is just as angry to real as any other leading communist. The clumsy and perplexed leader took the chance and said,” Our enemies are weaker than they were when we came into the work four years ago. America is more worthy and, I may say, better equipped than we’ve been in a long, long day”.
Then wait a moment, Joe. Who exactly is weaker? China? Since Old Joe began pretending to be leader, China’s GDP has risen steadily. Russia? Putin’s feared standing has waned in light of his continued failure to take his conflict with Ukraine to a successful finish, but it should be remembered that he only started it in the first place because he saw Biden’s failure and knew that he would not experience any severe consequences for doing so. From 2017 to 2021, while Trump was president before, despite Putin’s oft-stated desire to reincorporate Ukraine into the Russian state, the Russian strongman hadn’t dared to make a move.
Then there’s Biden’s risible statement about how America is “more capable” and “better prepared than we’ve been in a long, long time”. Really? Over 8, 000 military personnel were dismissed for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine. Did that improve our capacity and level of preparation? And how about Joint Base Langley-Eustis ( JBLE )’s 2022″ Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summer Festival”, which featured a drag show? Has that improved the ability and readiness of our military?
What about Rachel Levine, who in Oct. 2021 was commissioned as a four-star admiral in the U. S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, despite being a man who insists ( contrary to all appearances ) that he is a woman? Did Admiral Levine’s appointment increase our military’s capacity and readiness? Maybe it became better for the drag show at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, but that’s about it.  ,
The Chinese, Russians, Iranians, and other U.S. adversaries have undoubtedly been laughing up their sleeves for the past four years as they have watched the world’s lone superpower voluntarily become less competent and prepared in an effort to combat the delusions and fantasies of the transgender movement and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion hysteria.
Biden praised his support for Israel in its fight against Hamas and Hezbollah, even though the one-term president did not mention his administration’s efforts to prevent it from entering Gaza’s Hamas-run areas and press for a preemptive ceasefire with both terror groups.
What could Old Joe have to say about his regime’s disastrously botched withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, he didn’t have much to say. Even the left cannot spin into a triumph by leaving thirteen Americans dead and billions of dollars in military hardware for the Taliban.  ,
Biden also claimed that Iran is “weaker than it’s been in decades,” despite the fact that he stopped imposing sanctions on Trump and instead began sending it billions of dollars.
Related:  , Biden Regrets Picking Garland, Wishes He Had Gone with Someone Even Worse
Imagine a man with billions to send money to an enemy regime that yells” Death to America” before boasting that he has weakened that regime. Does Old Joe think that we’re a gang of idiots?  ,
Why, yes. Yes, he does.  ,
In fact, that’s what the left always counts on: that Americans are too ignorant, indifferent, or just plain busy to call them out on their castles in the air. However, Old Joe’s fantasies about having a successful foreign policy are particularly repulsive given the simple fact that almost everywhere one looks, the world seems to be extinguished.  ,
Biden and his handlers set many, if not most, of those fires, and now they’re claiming credit for putting them out. Joe Biden is a liar, it is well known, but the contempt and audacity of all this are particularly difficult to accept as the world is on the verge of collapse.