Joe Biden is a strictly social thing. Instead of a soul, he has a promotion pin.  ,
We’re talking about a man who ran for company for business in 1970, only two years after graduating from school. That was 55 years earlier. Since therefore, Biden has blazed a brave, foolish path of stupidity and shoulder-shrugs, before his unfathomable ascension to the top of the D. C. order in 2020.
When you examine Biden’s job, you begin to understand why progressive voters are so convinced that a sexist, meritless Patriarchy has been controlling culture: How else do you describe Biden’s career?
He finished 76th in a class of 85 students ( and failed a course for plagiarism ), yet two years later, he was a city councilman? And two decades after that, he was elected to the U. S. Senate?  ,
Who does that?
When you look at Biden’s profession, that full” Patriarch idea” suddenly makes a lot of feeling: in the whole history of American politics, has there ever been a man with less talent, charisma, brains, or God-given gifts who has risen as much?
President Biden has been in D. C. for so much, he’s more marsh than person.
Monday night was the drink on his long, rambling, and largely pointless political career. In his farewell target to the American citizens, Biden aimed to redefine his presidency from one of runaway prices and record-low approval ratings into a fabled Golden Age of American Exceptionalism. He wants you to recall him more than anything else as a man of unwavering integrity who was only motivated by doing what was best for the kids of America.
However, the information really don’t carry it out. He has repeatedly broken his expression and used his political links to strengthen his family members, making him never a man of integrity. He also pardoned his own child only a month ago!
And his administration was NOT a success. By the end, it had devolved into a bizarre tank game of mental cat-and-mouse: anyone knew who was in command, and nobody was guilty.  ,
Domestically and internationally, President-elect Trump is inheriting a planet that’s absolutely on fire.
Associated: Your Favorite Time of the Biden Presidency Has Suddenly Arrived!
” Record will be kind to me, for I intend to write it”, declared Winston Churchill. And it’s a very common need for former leaders to write the official historical account of their time in business, so that their glory is preserved.
However, never yet Churchill was able to rewrite history. Even now, 80+ centuries later, we’re still debating World War II. And if Churchill , don’t modify past, there’s absolutely no means Joe Freaking Biden does, sometimes.
That farewell handle was a colossal waste of time, especially if his aim was to memorialize his own political tale. He should’ve simply told all the facts, which would’ve sounded something like this:
Howdy, America! Also, I guess this is it. You imbeciles rejected me, and then you’re gonna get what you deserve. You won’t see me for a while after that, but I also have a few hundred clemency to exchange for financial benefits — presidential libraries aren’t cheap, you know. Kudos to that]CENSORED] Pelosi, I didn’t get my next name. And that’s a great sorrow because I still have to help my dumba** person. Do you know how much harder it is to win privileges and receive preferential treatment when you’re out of control? It sucks! I’m then a’ normie’ — like the rest of you idiots.
Anyhoo, I’m gonna lose this area. The best part of my day was when they’d light me in the morning, and I’d get out that I’m the president! But perhaps it’s time for me to leave because my mind is starting to tip over the edge. And let’s be honest, yet when my mind was at full power, it wasn’t all that impressive. It was always Road Runner and more Jackal. Beep buzzer!
You’re pleasant, America. ]checks watch ] Welp, it’s almost 8: 10 p. Approach past my sleep. I’m going to attempt to have a strong bowel movement by eating a wheat muffin. In the meantime, SCREW YOU, PELOSI! One of these days I’m gonna getcha in the circle and scream you the way I whooped Nebuchadnezzar’s grandkid. They used to visit me Smokin ‘ Joe, you know. I believe I engaged in combat with Muhammad Ali several days.
[ Hunter Biden whispers something in Biden’s ear as he enters the camera roll ]
Oh, yeah. One last point: Hunter says, if someone finds any baggies, pipelines, or pharmaceuticals around the White House, they entirely weren’t his, and he has absolutely no idea how they got it.
Bless you and farewell.