With only a few days left in her expression, Vice President Kamala Harris had some interesting words to say as she participated in a long-standing custom of adding her personal to the desk drawer in her royal office.
” And I’m not going to go through the laundry list of all of our achievements. We are aware of who they are,” Harris told a group of current and former team members. However, I’ll let you know that not only is our job no finished, but everyone else here is so glad of. And as you all know me, because we have spent long days, long weeks, and months and years up, it is not my nature to proceed slowly into the day”.
Harris became the first person to sign up for this decades-old traditions, which includes the signatures of former vice presidents who have preceded her. She noted that she had met all the members, except Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower and Harry S. Truman. As she signed the table, the audience erupted into” MVP” chants!
We each have a lifestyle and a calling that are about doing good for people and doing it in a manner that is fueled, indeed, with ambition, indeed, with a sense of nearly reluctance to rejecting any request and knowing we can make a difference,” Harris told the audience.
Harris ‘ remarks on Thursday may provide a gist of her upcoming plans, which she hasn’t officially stated. There are rumors that she might run for governor of California in 2026, with existing governor Gavin Newsom unable to run for president because of term limits, or even to get ready for a second presidential campaign in 2028.