President Joe Biden repeatedly lied about important decisions of his administration and the state of elections during his name during an Oval Office exit interview with MSNBC propaganda LawrenceO’Donnell.
Along the way, Biden was aided byO’Donnell’s very uninformed bootlicking, which at periods praised him and made personal appeals to his years of public services failure.
An Oligarchy Is Taking Shape,
In the meeting ,O’Donnell referenced a piece of Biden’s goodnight address where he warned of an “oligarchy” taking shape.
” You issued the alert about the power of the tech-industrial advanced, an echo of President Eisenhower in this very room in his farewell target, warning about the military-industrial complex” ,O’Donnell said. You also claimed that an aristocracy is emerging that threatens our country’s complete democracy, our fundamental rights, and our best chance for everyone to advance. How does this oligarchy affect people out there who’ve never used the phrase ‘ oligarchy ‘”?
Who do I find to fight back for if the decision is made that the multi-billionaires, the excellent, very powerful, and the wealthiest people in the world, will begin to control everything, from the internet to the business? Biden replied.
However, Biden’s response reveals a distinct mistake about whose political allies are run by elites, actually though Biden himself was the one who was spared their fury.
Democrats elites retaliated in 2024 by removing Vice President Kamala Harris from the race for chairman, who no one voted in favor of.
This did not come as a surprise to anyone who paid even little attention to the 2016 primary, where Democrat oligarchs united to destroy the political aspirations of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., flexing their” very representatives” to coronate Hillary Clinton.
Democrat oligarchy does not cease at the party, sometimes.
On January 4, Biden presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom to both Clinton and far-left billionaire George Soros, who are renowned for financing the campaigns of shoddy district lawyers to thwart the flow of information to the British public, stealing local election offices, and supporting a sizable system of activists who advocate issues like trans equality and pregnancy.
The list of Soros ‘ investments to alter the fabric of American society is too long to review here, but he also funded Black Lives Matter, defund-the-police movements, open borders, legalization of all drugs in Oregon, and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
Leftists boast quite a list of billionaire oligarchs, including Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Pierre Omidyar, Reid Hoffman, Hansjörg Wyss, Tom Steyer, Michael Bloomberg, and John Arnold.
At the direction of the Biden administration itself, some of those oligarchs, like Zuckerberg, aided in the suppression of accurate information on Facebook and other platforms. He assisted the Democrats in censoring information regarding the coronavirus and the vaccine as well as questions regarding the election’s legitimacy in 2020. In 2020, Zuckerberg actually spent hundreds of millions of dollars to alter the rules of the election.
It’s easy to assume that Elon Musk is the person who purchased Twitter to make it an open platform for sharing information without censorship, specifically because Democrat oligarchs had such a large influence over the American people, but it’s unclear who Biden was referring to with his “oligarchs” comment.
Journalists Are Sent in Context for” Telling the Truth.”
No, they’re not. Journalists are facing legal consequences for defaming themselves for lying on behalf of Biden and the Democrats.
Biden expressed concern about the number of journalists at far-left outlets being sued for blatantly lying to the American people, saying they shouldn’t have to suffer the consequences.
He claimed that journalists he knows are “worried about whether or not they’re going to be held accountable for telling the truth.” Biden asked,” When the hell has that ever happened in America? I mean, a long time”.
A jury determined that CNN is actually fake news after it disparaged a veteran Navy officer Zachary Young. However, the corporate media has been deceiving Americans for years about Trump and Democrats.
One does not have to look far to see a recent example: The Atlantic attempted to conduct its own” October surprise” when propagandist Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey Goldberg disproven a myth that Trump praised Adolf Hitler and was cruel to Gold Star families.
After falsely claiming repeatedly that Trump had been found liable for rape, Democrat shill and ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos and his organization were forced to pay$ 15 million for Trump’s presidential library in December.
But those examples probably pale in comparison to the Russia collusion hoax, the “very fine people” Charlottesville hoax, the Jan. 6 “insurrection” hoax, and countless others the media has peddled without facing any accountability.
Red States’ Really Screwed Up’ Their Economies
In the interview withO’Donnell, Biden attempted to place blame for a dismal economy on Republican-led states.
” I got a lot of criticism, understandably. We’ve invested more in red states than blue states”, he said. ” For two reasons. One: Red states really screwed up in terms of the way they handled their economy, the way they handle manufacturing, and the way they handle access to supply chains”.
Telling a story that sounds like one he is infamous for inventing, Biden added,” You know, I remember being out in Iowa, and I remember one of the big issues was that there was a plant, a small plant of 300 people, been around for 70 years: ‘ My grandfather worked there, I worked there, my son works there.’ Then, suddenly, after graduating, the child says,” Mom, I gotta leave,” and they had the best education system at the time, and perhaps the best state education system in the country. There’s no job for me here. The factory shut down.’ Well, guess what? How do you govern a nation in that manner? How do you do that”?
However, 16 out of 20 states leading job recovery since the coronavirus pandemic had Republican governors, and 16 also had Republican-majority legislatures. At the same time, 8 out of 10 states with the worst job recovery were run by Democrats. States run by Republicans saw an average of 143 percent job recovery, compared to Democrats ‘ 118 percent.
Biden defended his track record in regulating inflation, including his coronavirus spending, which he was warned would increase inflation. Even as inflation reached its highest level since July, he resisted the rampant government spending that defined his presidency. Instead, he has continually blamed other factors, including the pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, for skyrocketing grocery prices.
Now, as he leaves office, he is blaming red states for his rampant inflation and ailing economy.
Breccan F. Thies is an elections correspondent for The Federalist. He previously covered issues of culture and education for Breitbart News and the Washington Examiner. He is a Publius Fellow at the 2022 Claremont Institute and holds a degree from the University of Virginia. You can follow him on X: @BreccanFThies.