I’m not a merchant, nor do I seek to get. I’m no fine at riding and working. I hate buying used vehicles. Whe I t ave out of the Ri Gra tourist de I typically pay he “t ur st pri e” for price” for the subpar earthenware items sold in dusty, open air he subpar earthe ware i markets. I feel so guilty at the thought of negotiating with the poor schmuck until tonight’s dinner is available for all his kids.
However, I enjoy playing Texas Hold’Em well. And I’ve played much poker to realize that it’s NOT the right time to flip the all-in container to the quivering, determined fool across the table when you’re holding almost all the chips, as well as pocket aces on the flop.
And as a young lad, I had already played much Monopoly to realize that it’s NOT the time to formally give him all the property you’ve pretty won from him because you’ve spent the entire game acquiring every property on the board and are only waiting out your opponent for one or two more turns before he eventually goes destitute.
So it surprised me to learn that not only had Israel agreed to a terrible, one-sided agreement with Hamas, but that Trump’s move crew had also played a major role in pressure Israel to accept the deal.  ,
Based on what we know so far, Israel is… again… releasing a lopsided amount of hundreds of Palestinian terrorists ( at varying exchange rates of between 30: 1 to 50: 1 ) for the remaining 97 hostages, only some of whom are still alive.
Both the Netzarim and Philadelphi passageways, which are crucial for Hamas because of its importance for raising cattle, will eventually be withdrawn under the terms of the peace. As of this writing, Israel holds incontestable power over both hallways.
The last step of the peace has a perfect Jewish departure, to be followed by the restoration of Gaza under “international” guidance. Translation: the UN will turn a blind eye… or lend an assisting hand… as Hamas quickly and brutally reasserts control and rebuilds its forces.
What will Gaza look like in a year from now, assuming the ceasefire is in place and Hamas adheres to the terms ( a laughable pipe dream even in the most absurd of LSD-fueled fever dreams )? Has full control, its ranks increased as a result of the prisoner swap, and more weapons are being flown in across the border as part of preparation for the upcoming attack on Israeli population centers. That would be viewed as nothing more than a mug Hamas victory and an appalling Israeli surrender in no other universe.
Nostradamus doesn’t need to assume that this suicidal snatching defeat from the brink of victory will all but guarantee future attacks against Israel that will make 10/7 seem like a walk in the park. There will be more murder, more hostages, and antisemitism in the world because Israelis didn’t engage in genocide with enthusiasm enough.
Why would Israel ever consent to something like this? Instead, why would a new Republican administration, known for its hawkishness toward Islamic terrorism, ever try to persuade Israel to do so?
Hamas is on the ropes. Its leadership has been decimated, its overseas support cut off, and its strongholds conquered. If Israel followed its terms, this ceasefire would be a military and geopolitical blunder on a scale that would render our disastrous Afghan withdrawal in comparison to Napoleonic genius.
Joe Biden couldn’t, on his worst day, persuade Israel to accept such a abominable offer. And Team Trump is boasting about this as a ceasefire?
The only way I can understand that is by believing that Trump is simply playing four-dimensional chess. A ceasefire is agreed to in order to secure the release of hostages, which could lead to the resumption and resolution of the conflict if Hamas breaks the truce. Or perhaps Netanyahu has consented to the ceasefire with the condition that, under the second Trump administration, Iran is permanently eliminated as a threat, allowing Hamas to perish on the vine.
So be it if this is the case and one of these scenarios or something similar develops over the course of the next year or so. However, if this is not the case and it turns out that Trump actually coerced Israel into agreeing to this vile abortion of a deal on its merits alone, then it will likely be his worst as president. This will be his Chamberlain “peace in our time” moment.
Why should we care? Because an attack on the West is an attack on the West itself, anywhere. We can hang together, or we can hang separately from a crane in a public square. Europeans believed they could placate Islamic supremacists by supporting them in their opposition to Israel ( and, in some cases, to America ). And those Islamic supremacists have also returned the favor by raping British women, killing French priests, and intimidating German market goers.  ,
Unfortunately, there is a depressing number of American conservatives who think the way these naïve Europeans do, but by ignoring instead of placating. They think that waving it off as “over there” and “none of our business” will protect us the way our oceans protected us in Washington’s time.
I hate to be the one to break it to you, son, but a lot has happened since Sept. 10, 2001.
Again, I hope Trump has something up his sleeve that he can’t publicly reveal. I’m hoping that for once, the West is acting as a stepping stone to the eventual destruction of their enemy rather than the Islamic terrorists. Trump is so outrageously out of touch with himself that he is even able to be seen in the vicinity of a deal this terrible. I’m hoping this has some sort of” Usual Suspects” ending. I’m hoping to be pleasantly surprised to learn that some Trumpian maneuver hastened these Hamas degenerates away from the failed death cults.
And on the day that happens, I’ll pen an article lambasting myself and my erroneous assumptions. But until that day, this ceasefire stands as a badge of shame, a revelation of weakness, and a betrayal of our values.  ,