There are countless 501 ( C ) ( 3 ) and ( C ) ( 4 ) non-profit educational institutions with significant impact on public policy, but few of them can match the radical clout that the American Accountability Foundation ( AAF ) might represent.
Back in May 2024, AAF President Thomas Jones announced a plan that raised eyebrows — and fears, anxieties, panic attacks — in several corners of the federal government. The Department of Homeland Security ( DHS) and other federal departments and agencies are to be exposed by the program” Project Sovereignty 2025″:
… the engineers and proponents of the Biden administration’s fatal open-borders policies. AAF will remain highlighting those in the national government who are accountable for the present crisis despite their faces not appearing on television and most Americans have never even heard their names.
It is crucial to shine a light on these individuals because, if allowed to continue operating in the darkness, they could be expected to hinder any attempt by a new president to resolve the issue and protected the border.
AAF shortly afterward published detailed information about the professional and social associations, connections, and affiliations of 10 state employees who were identified as defenders of the incoming administration’s border and immigration policies in a beautiful picture of the well-known maxim of previous Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis ‘” sunshine is the best disinfectant.”
More late, AAF extended the Project Sovereignty 2025 efforts to contain uncovering , 19 “dossiers” of” America’s Most Revolutionary Education Bureaucrats”. Among the 19, for instance, is Brad Middleton, a senior adviser who is paid$ 163, 333 annually.
The federal employees ‘ average annual salary is now more than$ 101, 000.
Prior to joining the Department of Education ( DoED), Middleton had a long history of consulting and working with Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill. ), who was listed among the Senate Democrats who suggested a plan in 2020 to “provide full debt cancellation for defrauded student borrowers in the next coronavirus relief package.”
Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Middleton may depart from the Senate and work to support President Joe Biden’s repeated attempts to accept hundreds of billions of dollars in student funding and move those debts to the taxpayers during his four years in office.
On the occasion of one of the latter’s two presidencies during his first term as president, Middleton also posted an infamous image of Donald Trump and Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin locked in a whole lips kiss on his Instagram page. Reasonable people may disagree on whether a government worker should post a vivid, even though they concur that the First Amendment protects like appearance.
AAF’s reports also include examples of the political campaign efforts of the state employees who are in the light of the non-profit. The Federal Election Commission ( FEC ) has made this information available to the public for a long time.
However, AAF is the first non-profit to highlight the connection between political campaign contributions and the policies and programs supported by government employees. Another excellent institution that has documented the role of money in elections for years explains the importance of this website: Open Source.
” Only a tiny fraction ( 0.97 percent ) of Americans actually give campaign contributions to political candidates, parties or PACs. The ones who give contributions high enough to be itemized ( over$ 200 ) are even less generous. The effect of those gifts, however, is great”.
Many Americans may be surprised to learn that federal employees can contribute to partisan politics because they believe the Hatch Act makes political behavior by civil servants unlawful. The Hatch Act does indeed prohibit political activities on state property during formal work, but it doesn’t stop government employees from supporting and participating in political campaigns on their own time.
The DoED workforce serves as a good illustration of the political contributions of a sizable portion of the federal government. The department is the smallest of the cabinet-level agencies with only 4, 400 employees.
DoED employees contributed 2, 708 dollars worth of money to the Harris for President and Harris Victory Fund, according to FEC individual contribution data. In contrast, Donald Trump’s campaign received seven contributions totaling$ 2,210 from individuals who identified their employer as DoED.
The WINRED political action committee ( PAC ) that backs Republicans received 28 contributions from such individuals, with a total value$ 10, 414. The ActBlue PAC that supports Democrats received 2, 600 contributions totaling$ 480, 944.
The sprawling federal bureaucracy displays the same data pattern with some small differences favoring either party. The fact that nearly half of the federal managers employed in the national capital region recently told RMG Research they would actively oppose the Trump agenda in their official capacities is of a huge significance.
Regardless of whether they support or oppose any particular presidential policy, the 2.3 million members of the career federal civil service are supposed to keep their political opinions a tee all the way from their official job performance, as I previously stated on PJ Media.
The Hatch Act has since 1939 restricted federal employees ‘ political activities, according to additional data. If it’s acceptable to require feds to keep their political beliefs completely at the forefront of official affairs, perhaps it’s time the Hatch Act should be amended to mandate that feds also keep their wallets at a distance.