Also, let us all heave a sigh of relief. As I write this, President Trump is signing the standard documents that allow him to go to work. I know it is tempting to claim that the longer national horror is across, and to be fair, I felt a weight come off my arms as I watched Biden’s aircraft taking off. I am sure Marine One made a halt at Ben & Jerry’s for a gallon of” National Has-Been. ”
In the early morning hours, I watched as Kamala Harris stood outside the White House, posing for pictures with JD Vance. She looked for all the earth like a lion that had been chased off the corpse of a deceased horse by a pride of lions. But that is all in the past. As Shakespeare again said, “Stand no upon the purchase of your going / But come at once. ”
It has, so much, been a great time, and as Paula said earlier now, it is day in America. Of course, not everyone is thrilled with the activities of the day. One apparently found an old book of hellish rituals and resurrected the ethereal spirits of the Left to cry and wail in the roads of D. C. :
A beheading has arrived at the anti-Trump rally in DC photograph. tweets. com/WothLWKfNF— Kassy Akiva ( @KassyAkiva ) January 20, 2025
Also, that is just sad. The usual defendants, with a gallows that looks like a failed buy class project and some hastily-lettered signs, one of which shows the current status of American education with,” Travel get amount. ” Notice what a Columbia degree may find you?
Showing their common tenacity, resolve, and devotion, it would appear that leftist propagandists decided to spend the evening rooting around their boxes, trying to find the butt-end of a mutual and thumbing through Tinder. The National Pulse noted that the windy breezes perhaps had kept the providers of chaos inside today. Our sister site Red State reported over the weekend that the onslaught of mutants was not the massive assault that was anticipated.
It may be that as the ’60s holdovers who have fired the fever dreams of the p***y hat brigades and pronoun people go the way of the Dodo and the stegosaurus, the movement may lose some momentum. After all, icy temps were enough to keep most of them from throwing their tantrums in D. C. today.
But I wouldn’t count on it. Depending on your age, you may remember a time during the Regan administration when we thought the madness was over. As it turned out, the agents of chaos were merely biding their time and planting seeds to ensure that the People’s Revolution would rise again. But for the grace of God, they might still be in charge of the government and would have begun the process of cementing their hellscape into place today.
That said, don’t think they aren’t regrouping, even as we speak. The display you see above is comically pathetic, but the architects who inspired those few true believers are still around and are not throwing in the towel by a long shot.
Yes, Trump is already jumping into the fray. Illegal immigrants got a wake-up call this afternoon when the CBP One app went offline. But as a former Leftist and child of ’60s liberals, I can tell you that the radical Left isn’t going anywhere. Even so, while this is Trump’s day, it is your time.
It is your time to run for school board.
It is your time to run for your city council or county commission.
It is your time to run for the state legislature.
It is your time to become a member of your local library board.
It is your time to speak out.
Back in September of 2022, I wrote a piece called” American Stasi,” which took aim at a DOJ that was well on its way to becoming the personal enforcement team of the Biden administration. For the next two years, I would reflect on the wisdom of that and even had a few conversations with my wife about what to do if a cadre of smiling agents showed up at our door wanting to” come in and talk. ”
Guys like Ben Shapiro and Glenn Beck have a cadre of lawyers they could have called if they ran afoul of the government. You and I would have been on our own. When the election was called for Trump, I remember sinking back into my chair and shaking a little. People were no longer going to be prosecuted for speaking their minds.
You have four years, maybe eight, but at least four, to ensure that the kind of naked avarice, unbridled hate, and unprincipled ambition that held sway over the nation for the last four years does not have the chance to raise its filthy head again. And you can do it without the threat of being sanctioned. Make the most of this time.
” Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” ( Joshua 1:9 ).