Progressives have tried to pretend they are not the party of pregnancy extremism. Their speech and voting information on common sense and common protections for women and babies, but, confirm they help ending living up to and even through delivery.
The most recent screen of this extremism occurred on Wednesday, the 52nd commemoration of Roe v. Wade, when all 47 Progressives in the U. S. Senate voted to stop a bill that seeks to prosecute leaving babies born dead during botched pregnancies to death. The orange party ’s majority rejection of the policy hampered Republicans from invoking the 60-vote cloture least needed to overcome a filibuster.
The “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, ” reintroduced earlier this month by Republican Sens. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, James Lankford of Oklahoma, and Jim Banks of Indiana, aimed to need healthcare workers who witness a baby’s survival after attempted dismemberment or biochemical abortion to quickly rescue and biologically treat the child simply as they would any other quickly delivered kid patient.
Failure to administer an abortion survivor proper aid, the legislation dictated, must be immediately reported to state and federal law enforcement agencies and could result in fines and up to five years imprisonment. Healthcare workers who not only fail to execute professional and proper care, but also actively work to end the life of a baby born alive would be eligible for murder charges and punishment.
Women who undergo failed abortions, on the other hand, would not only be immune to prosecutions, but would also be endowed with the ability to sue healthcare professionals who fail to treat their babies with an adequate standard of survival care.
A majority of Americans are opposed to butchering babies beyond 15 weeks. Yet, leaving babies to die has been a talking point for Democrats for years. In fact, many of the same senators who voted against the born-alive bill on Wednesday proudly filibustered it in 2020, even though polling showed U. S. voters overwhelmingly supported affirming adequate medical treatment for babies despite the circumstances of their birth.
Days before the 2025 vote on the legislation, Democrat senators spent nearly an hour defending the practice of neglecting lifesaving care for babies outside the womb. They claimed such a bill is unnecessary since President George W. Bush signed similar legislation into law in 2002.
Democrats ’ corporate media allies have also gone to bat for the blue party by repeatedly insisting that there is “no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it ’s born, ” as “ABC News Live Prime” anchor Linsey Davis did during one of the 2024 presidential debates.
Evidence suggests, however, that states such as Minnesota and Virginia have allowed and even advocated for babies born alive during abortions to die without lifesaving interventions under misnomered “comfort care ” policies that are not stopped by current federal law.
“The 2024 elections exposed the reality of babies surviving abortions and being left to die without life-saving medical care. Americans reject this inhumanity and they have clearly rejected the extreme pro-abortion agenda, ” SBA Pro-Life America President Marjorie Dannenfelser said in a statement. “We cannot continue to turn a blind eye to that baby fighting for his or her life, whether in a hospital or an abortion center, whether that little one is deemed ‘wanted ’ or not. These children must not be discarded like trash. ”
Yet, that ’s exactly what Democrats have done. Whether it ’s through radical abortion ballot measures that ensure the death of babies until they are born or the emphatic defense of letting even babies who are born die without life-saving interventions, Democrats have consistently confirmed they don’t care about America voters ’ beliefs about abortion and they certainly don’t care about life.
Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The Federalist and producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her work has also been featured in The Daily Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics. Jordan graduated from Baylor University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on X @jordanboydtx.