Often, everything is so surprising that it is important to delay a few days before responding. This was my response to the new” Interfaith Service of Prayer for the Nation” held on January 21 at the National Cathedral, which was more of a left-wing democratic political protest than a day of celebration devoted to trust, meditation, or God.
On every degree, it was a tragedy.
Doctrinally, the occasion was not indicative of this region in any way, shape, or type. Over 20 percent of Americans identify as Catholics, and yet there was no Catholic chief giving prayer. Only a priest and cantor, both of whom are members of the religious branch of Judaism, were the only Jewish voices heard in the United States. Only 37 % of American Jews identify as belonging to the Reform movement. These two girls allegedly represent the Jewish faith, but for the majority of Israeli past, women were forbidden from doing so in most churches around the world or in attentive Jewish communities in America. Official social values that are not in line with much of the traditional Jewish religion and are more in line with liberalism are included in the Reform movement of Judaism. Despite the fact that there are about 3 million Episcopalians in America, significantly less than American Catholics, and even less than British Jews, Mormons, or even American Buddhists, the Episcopalian Church was in charge of the ritual and dancing of this Interfaith services, especially through Episcopalian Bishop Mariann Budde, who is also responsible for controlling the Episcopalian Church. No one from the well-known evangelical Christian movements that were carried out by churches like Calvary on that day brought their devotion to the pulpit. From a religious aspect, this service was not at all indicative of the various beliefs or practices of this world’s residents.
What was the purpose of this event really all about, if it wasn’t really an religious worship services of the various religions that are a significant part of this country and its history?
The day was about a completely different faith that has been adopted by the Democrat Party and led by and culminated with Bishop Budde’s terms.
The priests who conducted prayers are recognizable across the board because of their left-wing political positions both off and on the podium as well as their standard philosophy. As shown by her really offensive lecture, Budde is a liberal who uses her podium to press her left-wing policies on everything from abortion to gender concerns to immigration. Â Bodde ensured that she was surrounded by priests of the same kind, if not the same blatant offensiveness as Budde demonstrated in her speech.
A doctrinally liberal meditation company dedicated to communist values, led and designed by left-wing Brotherhoods, with a focus on professionally attacking the new president of the United States, who was elected in a flood. Do Americans actually find this out of their religious officials? Is the National Cathedral Interfaith Prayer Service supposed to be this, and if so, would it be wiser to stop practicing leftist religion and let national prayer services become more about God and not liberal principles?
Religion and God played a significant role in the formation and development of the United States.  , In 1792, Pierrel’Enfant’s” Plan of the Federal City” specified a page for” a great cathedral for national reasons” … but he precisely defined it as “non-sectarian and non-denominational“. The National Cathedral was never intended to be a regional house of prayer, as it was once believed, and it still is today. In the District of Columbia, it shares the same position as a building cover a religious institution as American University and Catholic University of America. It is a beautiful building, but given how it has fallen scripturally, it should no more be used for any “national” interracial event.
In Isaiah 56: 7, a prophecy is revealed about the upcoming Temple that will be constructed during the Biblical era of peace. ” My House shall be known as the people’s house of prayer.” Undoubtedly ,L’Enfant’s intention was to build a wonderful church that was both non-denominational and non-sectarian for use in national affairs. The Episcopalian National Cathedral is not what it is, but it is a wonderful idea to create a spiritual place that is used in a non-denominational method for blessings for this country. The liberal God of the far returned has taken the place of the Bible in that building, according to Bishop Budde’s speech and the whole system.
This country neither may create a national church nor to forbid any citizen from practicing religion, according to the Constitution’s Establishment Clause. However, the event on January 21 really supported the leftist church. It attacked our new chairman, as well as all other believers who view their faith as being in direct opposition to what this communist Bishop preached.
Interfaith worship services are a wonderful and significant idea for this country, but we cannot take any more instances of events like those that took place at the National Cathedral on October 21. Â Perhaps these kinds of worship services may be held on the National Mall, where priests can preach the Bible rather than their own agenda, and where all faiths can enjoy the sun’s heat and God’s blessings.