Tens of thousands of pro-life activists marched in the nation’s funds on Friday as the federal government weighs protecting victims of violent pregnancy methods and the legal rights of quiet pro-life protesters. After Republicans took control of the legislature and administration, they celebrated the life-affirming water shift in Washington, D.C.
However, both candidates for nonprofits and guests are aware that winning the election was just the start. The actual work is then start with Republicans in control of the House and Senate and President Donald Trump sworn in.
As activist Rose Cordier, a high school student from Cincinnati, Ohio, told The Federalist, the explanation she traveled and weathered below-freezing heat was to “abolish contraception in America” fully — the goal of almost everyone at the protest. She is however, pleased to see that the Trump administration “funds pro-life organizations and attempts to end cash for abortion organizations.”
Some attendees backed those same policies, not just as a way to prevent the government’s funding of newborn babies, but also as a way to establish a society where it is simple to choose to give birth to a kid with the assistance of organizations like crisis pregnancy centers.
More Children in the United States of America
Vice President J. D. Vance, who spoke at the rally, certainly gave the pro-lifers a boost of confidence with his conversation, in which he stressed not only being pro-life, but likewise pro-family. He emphasized the need for “more children in the United States of America.”
” We march to defend the newborn. We march to sit out the spiritual reality that every child is a mystery and a gift from God, Vance told the masses, to loud cheers. ” The activity of our activity is to protect innocent life, it’s to protect the unborn, and it’s also to get pro-family and pro-life in the fullest impression of that term possible”.
” We need a lifestyle that celebrates existence at all stages, one that recognizes and genuinely believes that people’s ability to raise vibrant and healthy families in our country is not measured by our GDP variety or our property market,” he added. We “failed a technology” by allowing a tradition of “abortion-on-demand” and neglecting to support young families in achieving the conditions necessary for a happy and meaningful life. The tasks and joys of home life were seen as obstacles to overcome, not as specific accomplishment or gifts, which is where a tradition of extreme independence emerged.
The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which Trump supported, and efforts to limit the FACE Act were both up for debate in Congress as of Vance’s speech. The Biden administration used the FACE Act to carry out its pro-life protests peacefully, with 23 of whom Trump recently pardoned in one of his first as 47th president.
Stand Up for Precious Little Babies
Trump vowed to” stand up for precious little babies” in a video speech to attendees at the March for Life event, adding that” we will stand up for the historic gains we have made and stop the radical Democrat push for an unlimited abortion-on-demand up until the moment of birth and even after birth. Think of that, after birth, and some people want that”.
Trump claimed that the Justice Department’s use of force against pro-life Americans is over.
Many marchers argued for a change in funding, allowing pregnant and post-partum women and their children in need to thrive while any money that had been used to pad the pockets of abortionists like Planned Parenthood could be taken from them.
‘ I Am My Mother’s Crisis Pregnancy ‘
Those organizations do life-saving work, Cristina Genung, another attendee from Cincinnati, told The Federalist. They saved hers.
Genung praised her mother’s terrifying story, in which both divine intervention and crisis pregnancy centers helped her make the decision to abort her.
Genung’s mother was pregnant out of wedlock and somewhat desperate when the first doctors she saw in California cited the then-newly-decided Roe v. Wade decision, pressuring her to end Cristina’s life before she was even born.
” ‘ Hey, we just passed a law, you know, Roe v. Wade, and so we can take care of this for you. You can’t afford to get pregnant at this time. You have no husband, no money,'” Genung said, paraphrasing the doctors. She was going to do it, she said. She intended to follow through with it. And she just felt so ashamed. She even went into a church and said,’ God, look at me. Look at how low I’ve stooped.’ But then my dad tracked her down in California and said,’ You’re going to a real doctor. That wasn’t a real doctor.’ And he brought her back to El Paso, where they had me, and my grandfather began to citate her.
Genung said the pressure from so-called “doctors” who choose to perform abortions is intense. ” Women are manipulated into thinking they don’t have a choice”, she said. The “pro-choice” movement as a whole is a slang term because it doesn’t let women know what their choices are. Pregnancy centers, Genung explained, give them the real, tangible ability to have their child without fear.
After Democrats and the Biden regime demonized these institutions for the past four years, Genung and others think that the White House should take top priority in raising awareness of their existence. Women can benefit from the assistance women can get from crisis pregnancy centers, as well as the development of a culture of life and a strong Christian faith, to help Americans overcome their obsession with abortion for the better.
” I’ve thought a lot about how I ended up not being aborted, and I think it has a lot to do with my grandparents passing on the faith to their son, and my dad knowing what the truth is, and that all human life is sacred,” Genung said. ” And you know, had my dad not stepped in, I probably wouldn’t be here. So it’s really important for all people, doctors and everybody, but especially men, to protect their children and to help women know that it’s going to be okay if they get pregnant, and if they go through and have the baby, that it’s going to be okay. And then once they do, there’s such joy that comes from every child”.
‘ We’re Not Aborting. I Love This Child.
Ann Cordier, Rose’s mother, also spoke with The Federalist, detailing her run-ins with doctors who pushed relentlessly to get her to abort her other daughter, Sophia, whose second ultrasound showed heart defects.
Even though it was obviously difficult to hear, Cordier claimed that the doctor and the ultrasound technician wanted me to abort, which was worse. They continued to press on me. They said,’ We can get you in.’ They just kept coming at me with,’ You need to abort. This child’s not going to live. This child won’t even survive birth”.
Cordier was forced to fight for the life of her own child every step of the way, while those charged with saving the unborn child’s life were relentlessly fighting for her death.
” I said,’ We’re not aborting. I love this child before I knew any information about her, and I still love her today, and she’s worth every effort that I can give,'” Cordier stated.
Sophia ended up living five months after being born with no complications, contrary to the doctors ‘ predictions that , she wouldn’t even survive birth.
” She was fine, and she lived for five months, and she was really a blessing to our community”, Cordier said. ” Everyone just rallied around me and her.” I felt so blessed, even though I felt there was like this mixture of joy and grief, you know, because every day we didn’t know if it would be her last — but then all the prayers, all the blessings. Additionally, it was a time of joy.
Rose, for her part, said she is aware that the decision to end life will ultimately need to be made by the Supreme Court or the court, defining both what life means and when it begins. For the foreseeable future, however, she does not anticipate that happening.
Breccan F. Thies is an elections correspondent for The Federalist. He previously covered issues of culture and education for Breitbart News and the Washington Examiner. He is a 2022 Claremont Institute Publius Fellow and holds a degree from the University of Virginia. You can follow him on X: @BreccanFThies.