The March for Life, which takes place this year, will include a lot to celebrate for the tens of thousands of pro-life protesters who are descending on the country’s capital on Friday. Topping that listing is the transfer of a pro-life leader.  ,
President Donald Trump has made it clear in his first year in business that he will continue to be the “most pro-life leader” the country has ever had. Simply request Democrats. The abortion-on-demand group lost its hair over the Republican’s executive orders — declaring that there are only two genders— including one adopting the “tenets of maternal identity” by employing the term “at conception”. They became angry when the White House removed a Biden-era site promoting contraception services that had been established in response to the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision overturning Roe v. Wade, in honor of Trump’s judicial nominees in his first expression.  ,
It’s a Wonderful Honor to Sign This, I’d like to say.
On Thursday, in a success for life and liberty, Trump pardoned 23 people of the pro-life action persecuted by his counterpart’s politically-driven Department of Justice, armed with the armed Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances— or FACE — Act.  ,
Since then-President Bill Clinton signed the FACE Act into legislation in 1994, less than 100 cases have been brought against it, according to my Federalist partner Jordan Boyd on Thursday. Biden’s program opened 60 cases during his harsh name, 55 of which qualified quiet pro-life demonstrators.  ,
” Twenty-three people were prosecuted, they should not have been prosecuted. Many of them are old people — they should not have been prosecuted”, Trump said in signing the clemency on Thursday. It is a great honor to mark this, to quote.
‘ We Prayed ‘
Among the subjects of Biden’s anti-pro-life witch hunt was Paulette Harlow, who was 75 when she was sentenced to 24 months in prison for imploring people not to get abortions. She told the Daily Signal that she stood safely as a voice for the newborn at her sentencing last year on charges tied to the FACE Act, which prohibits “violent, threatening, harmful, and disruptive conduct intended to offend, goad, or interfere with the right to request, obtain, or provide sexual health services”. Harlow, by all accounts, was anything but violent or intimidating.  ,
” We prayed, we sang music, and we called out to some of the women and told them not to be afraid, that we could help them, that they could still change their mind, and that we love them”, the elderly woman with chronic health conditions told the Daily Signal in describing the demonstrations at late-term abortionist Cesare Santangelo’s Washington, D. C., facility in 2020.
Lauren Handy, one of several members of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising , ( PAAU), which seeks to dismantle the” Abortion Industrial Complex through direct action and other leftist tactics”, faced the full force of the federal government. Handy initiated a “rescue and protest” at the D. C. abortion clinic, The Federalist reported. After watching a video of an unborn child surviving an abortion attempt that was left to die, she testified at her trial to explain why she had been moved to demonstrate outside the killing floor. Handy was given a 57-month prison sentence by a federal judge earlier this year.  ,
Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, has long led the charge to terminate the FACE Act. His FACE Act Repeal Act was just reintroduced to” to permanently end a law that has long been used against pro-life Americans.”
” Americans just spent the last four years being targeted by a weaponized justice system. The Texas Republican claimed this week in a press release that the FACE Act was one of the primary tools of abuse and was being used to politically target, detain, and confine pro-life Americans for speaking out and standing up for life.  ,
In contrast to the previous 30 years, 97 percent of FACE Act prosecutions were directed at pro-life Americans, according to Roy’s office’s information obtained from the Biden Department of Justice.  ,
” That is not equal protection of the laws”, Roy said on Thursday’s” Federalist Radio Hour” podcast. ” Meanwhile, since the Dobbs decision, there’s been 91 pregnancy resource centers that have been attacked. What have they]the Justice Department ] been doing? That bias is very clear and obvious”.
We’re Talking About a Human Life, I tell you.
The Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which requires that abortion providers provide the” same professional skill, care, and diligence for a baby born alive” during a failed abortion as they would during childbirth, was passed by the Republican-controlled House on Thursday. Just one Democrat supported the bill, which passed 217-204.  ,
Democrats dominated the discussion over abortion rights and argued that babies who survive an abortion are unusual. Republicans said the bill isn’t about abortion, it’s about preventing infanticide.  ,
We’re not just saying that doctors should be required to give this child who survived life-saving care because we’re talking about a human life that exists in a hospital or clinic where doctors are physically present. Whatever happened that led to that moment, we have a child that is sitting there deserving of the full, equal protection rights of the U. S. constitution. That should not be that complex for people to understand”, Roy said on the podcast. Following the bill’s passage, he had just abruptly stepped off the House floor.  ,
Senate Democrats voted to kill a bill that would have provided equal protection for “anything born after an abortion” on Wednesday. The bill received a majority of votes — 52, all from Republicans. However, it was far below the 60 necessary votes to advance the bill.  ,
” I am disappointed that every Senate Democrat voted against my]bill], making something that should be common sense completely partisan for the first time”, Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., posted on X.  ,
‘ No Excuses Now’
While Republicans control” the trifecta” in the federal government, they face an intransigent left that is wedded to the cause of” choice” — a pretty-sounding word for killing the unborn. There are no excuses for Republicans, Roy said, and they must lead on life. As always, victories ultimately come by changing hearts and minds, he added.
The congressman claimed that the president has no better ally than the pro-life movement, giving the president plenty of reason to celebrate on March for Life 52nd Annual.  ,
Rep. Chip Roy’s podcast is available on The Federalist Radio Hour.
Matt Kittle covers The Federalist’s senior elections coverage. An award-winning investigative reporter and 30-year veteran of print, broadcast, and online journalism, Kittle previously served as the executive director of Empower Wisconsin.