The U.S. Marine Corps is seen arriving at the southwestern border between the United States and Mexico in a movie that the Trump administration released on Friday that shows them assisting U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents as they work to” safe America.”
On Friday afternoon, the White House shared a picture on X, previously Online, showcasing the U. S. Marine Corps ‘ arrival at the southern border. The US Marine Corps assisted CBP in securing America on a tweet from the White House. Promise Made –>, Promise KEPT”!
In the movie, the U. S. Marines can be seen arriving in Boeing V-22 Osprey plane, unloading at the southern borders, and talking with U. S. Customs and Border Protection leaders.
Earlier this year, the Department of Defense , announced , that 1, 500 active-duty U. S. forces were being sent to the southern boundary along with knowledge and air assets to “augment troops now conducting police operations in that place”. President Donald Trump’s Department of Defense even announced that the 1, 500 active-duty forces would involve 500 Marines.
” We anticipate that general, on the west borders, ]active-duty personnel ] will provide real-time situational awareness of persons, vehicles, warships and aircraft, and they’ll job with]U. S. Customs and Border Protection ] on operator-level maintenance, movement and staging of]CBP] property”, Acting Secretary of Defense Robert Salesses said.  ,
READ MORE: Video: 1, 500 US troops deployed to southern border
Salesses explained that the Department of Defense is planning to “develop and execute additional missions” in coordination with the Department of Homeland Security, other federal agencies, and state partners to “address the full range of threats outlined by the]president ] at our nation’s borders”.
In addition to the video shared by the White House on Friday, Bill Melugin, a Fox News correspondent, shared pictures on social media of the Marine Corps at the southern border.
” Photos of US Marines deployed to the border &, assisting Border Patrol, per senior admin official”, the Fox News correspondent tweeted. Per NORTHCOM, the Marines are from the 1st Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st , Marine Division, &, the 7th Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st , Marine Logistics Group. Both Camp Pendleton.”