The majority of the people fired were auditors Trump had appointed during his first name, according to numerous reports. The White House employees producer sent them an email letting them know that their fire was imminent.
” It’s a common murder”, one of the fired investigators public told the Washington Post. ” Whoever Trump puts in now will be viewed as loyalists, and that undermines the entire system”.
The 17 people who were fired make up the almost 70 inspector generals who work for the government. Each case department has its own inspector general, and in common, they are charged with auditing organizations to find out if there are any cases of fraud, waste, or abuse.
Susan Crabtree, a journalist for RealClearPolitics, argued that the fired people were mostly politically biased.
Many of these IGs have much histories of Misrepresentation reports and playing politics with complaints, she said in a blog on X.” I’ve covered these IGs for years— and believe me when I say, even though they are charged with ferreting out waste and misuse,” she said.
According to CNN, Congress was never given an in-depth reminder of the firings.
” There may be good reason the IGs were fired” , , Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA ) said Saturday. If so, we need to realize if that is the case. President Trump needs to provide more details. Despite, the 30-day extensive notice of treatment that the law requires was never provided to Congress”.
The walk had apparently been expected by those acquainted with the change, but came as a surprise to employees.
” This is completely exceptional. It’s what we were fearing. A top executive at one inspector general business told the outlet that there was conversation about him making this and some remarks made during his campaign by Trump’s supporters during the move.
The shift isn’t unparalleled, as he fired five auditors public during his last management as well. When Trump fired the investigators for the sections of State, HHS, Defense, Intelligence, and Transportation in 2020 critics accused him of acting in retribution, but Trump said those fired were republican in their studies.
Among those fired this period included investigators overseeing the ministries of Defense, State, Transportation, Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Energy, and Commerce and Agriculture. The whistleblowers for the Environmental Protection Agency, Small Business Administration, and Social Security Administration were likewise sacked. Inspectors at the DOJ, FCC, DHS, Office of Personnel Management, and the Export-Import Bank were no fired, according to Politico.
Democrats were swift to condemn the walk, painting it as a cover-up for fraud.
It’s a clean of separate watchdogs in the middle of the night. Inspectors general are charged with rooting out government waste, fraud, abuse and preventing misconduct”, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA ) said in a statement. ” President Trump is removing the restrictions on his authority and enabling common fraud.”
The firings may have to do with federal law, which mandates a 30-day advance notice of any intention to fire a Senate-approved investigator general.
The , Washington Examiner , has reached out to the Trump presidency for comment.