Old Joe Biden has begun his post-presidential profession, which is no doubt going to foe Jimmy Carter’s in undeserved internet admiration, by evidently becoming a Freemason. Without the fact that the Roman Catholic Church, to which Old Joe purportedly belongs, forbids Catholics from becoming Freemasons on the grounds of expulsion, this would be an extremely ordinary event in the existence of a man who lives in a world where people are constantly slapping each other on the back, awarding each other honorable members, and making their friends and allies honorable members of some or other organization. Do Old Joe be so flagrant in breaking the laws of the Church to which he therefore feigned to belong? Travel on, man! Sure he did.
The state of South Carolina’s Most Remarkable Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Approved Masons has made an unequivocal news. Fancifully headed” Resolution of Membership- President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.”, it states:” It is with great joy that I, Victor C. Major 27th The Most Reverent Grand Master, welcome our newest part to the Prince Hall Family.  , On Sunday, January 19, 2025 at a private function, Master Mason account with entire honours were conferred upon President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. in acknowledgment of his excellent service to the United States of America”. Yeah, it was remarkable, all right, if you’re a socialist idealist who wants to kill the U. S. not only as a planet power but as a nation-state, but anything.  ,
Three photos of Old Joe with Prince Hall officials, including Victor C. Major, Worshipful Grandmaster of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge, appear to have been taken after the former figurehead’s induction into the lodge. The old Mountebank was still in power at the time because this occurred on January 19th.  ,
After becoming a freemason, Joe Biden is now officially barred from joining and in a grave state of sin.
After Biden joined the anti-Catholic secret society last week photo, any priest who gives Biden Communion is now seriously violating church regulations. twitter.com/uxBUHHl3X8
— Catholic Arena (@CatholicArena ) January 25, 2025
This places Old Joe in some ecclesiastical hot water, according to The Pillar, which describes itself as” a Catholic media project focused on smart, faithful, and serious journalism, from committed and informed Catholics who love the Church.” A Catholic who adheres to the Vatican’s strict morality and grave sinfulness is “in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.”
The Pillar, however, is not sure that Biden has incurred excommunication, as clearly he is simply being honored for his alleged achievements, and it is possible that he did not actually accept the membership. Additionally, Lincoln Brown, a friend and PJ Media colleague, makes a note of another important fact:” Technically Biden can’t become a Freemason. I was a 32nd degree mason, and you cannot start the phrase” an old man in his dotage.” Indeed, that might make a huge difference, but the bigger question is whether Biden even cared if he was excommunicated after accepting this dubious honor.
After all, he has flouted his Church’s teaching on abortion for decades. He also doesn’t seem to be concerned about the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexual behavior or any other issues that directly contradict the left’s. In terms of the policies he supported and advocated in his protracted and revoltingly vile public career, Biden was merely a doctrinaire secular leftist. He never even considered abstaining from the left’s most revered pieties. One would never assume that he was a Roman Catholic or, in any case, a Christian from his record as a senator or president of the United States.
 ,  ,  , Related:  , Old Joe Biden Reminds Us Yet Again That Leftists Live in a World of Pure Fantasy
However, his pretentious false piety was one of the most revolting aspects of the sinister old corruptocrat’s carefully cultivated public persona. ” I go to Mass and I say the rosary. I find it to be incredibly comforting”, Biden claimed in a 2020 campaign ad, and the establishment media pushed this nonsense as well.  ,
Three days after Joe began acting as president, the New York Times reported that” the new president” “elevates a liberal Catholicism that once seemed destined to vanish.” The Times was meant by a showy external piety that had lost all of its appeal and was cynically intended to draw Catholic votes despite working against so many things for which the Church stood.
And now Old Joe is, to all appearances at least, a Freemason. It figures.