In an alarming occurrence unfolding in Edmonton, Alberta, a trans-identified man named Michael Collins, who calls himself Mika Lin Katz, has been charged with sexually assaulting numerous people while staying at a female’s house.  ,
Weird, isn’t this exactly what the extreme left says always actually happens?
The Edmonton Police Service ( EPS) released a press release on January 24th revealing Katz had first been identified in August of 2024 after two women reported being the victim of Katz’s abuse, according to Reduxx. ” Following an investigation, Katz was arrested and charged with two counts of physical abuse”.
The event always occurs afterwards. # BeKind https ://— J. K. Rowling ( @jk_rowling ) January 27, 2025
However, it didn’t stop it. As the research progressed, two more patients surfaced, claiming that Katz had likewise targeted them in August 2024 at the same house. This alarming pattern demonstrates a failure to protect vulnerable populations as well as an option for predators to take advantage of transgender-friendly laws to target defenseless women and children. Katz was reapprehended on January 23 and is currently facing two counts of sexual abuse and criminal abuse.
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The EPS is now urging any more plaintiffs to come forward, stressing the value of neighborhood attention in preventing additional abuse:” The EPS is now urging any more plaintiffs to come forth, as Katz is believed to have potentially victimized more women. In reality, allowing people like Katz to enter children’s shelters while concealing their gender identity opens the door to abuse and abuse.
Katz claims to have started taking cross-sex hormone in January of 2024, and Reduxx has found several social media accounts that it thinks Katz is a part of. Katz identifies himself using” she/her/they/them” nouns, and utilizes a” trans pride” symbol across some of his Instagram accounts.
On one of his Instagram accounts, Katz calls himself a “woman trapped in a boy’s body”,” and follows a number of trans and lesbian-focused sex records.
Reduxx points out that this is not just one instance of a man sexually abusing a woman in a women’s shelter, but rather a continuation of a shocking trend. There have been numerous reports of people accusing trans-identifiable men of having sex in homes across Canada in recent years.  ,
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Why does this keep happening? Don’t women earn safe places to recover? Why does the extreme left keep making up lies about how male predators are abusing transgender procedures to take advantage of young girls and women? People in shelters frequently flee aggressive situations, and those who abuse the system put them at greater risk. Additionally, these homes are required to permit men inside.
Despite Canada’s great length, there is only one known single-sex sanctuary in the country.
Vancouver Rape Relief (VRR ), located in British Columbia, is Canada’s oldest rape crisis shelter. After asserting that it had a proper to offer services to just ladies, it was stripped of its capital funding in 2019. Trans activists successfully fought the city government to compel the rescue’s funding to be dependent on accepting transgender people.  ,
While the remaining claims to help” equality,” the facts on the ground reflect a dangerous truth. Accelerating men who pretend to get people in women’s homes has resulted in instances of sexual violence against women and young girls.  ,