Chris Cillizza has consistently demonstrated his reputation as a docile propagandist for the left throughout his long career as a” journalist” and “political commentator,” never daring to venture even so far as to think otherwise and faithfully reflecting what the political and media elites wanted him to think. Even so, this is still generally the case, but these are strange times, and also Cillizza has demonstrated a surprising level of independence for a leftist journalist, yet daring to say that Donald Trump, the real target of bad in the modern world, may have been right about anything. Et tu, Cillizza? Well: for the departed, it has come even to this.
Cillizza wrote on X Monday:” I screwed up. I wrote in May 2020 how Anthony Fauci” cannibalized” Donald Trump’s principle that Covid-19 came from a lab. The CIA announced over the weekend that they now believed the virus had leaked from a lab.
To get an thought of how great this admission is, regard that Cillizza’s Substack bears a heading that boasts about Trump’s hatred for him:” So What:  , Donald Trump again called me’ one of the stupid and least respected of the political experts.’ That’s why I’m doing that. I write about politics — generally — with laughter, accountability, and integrity. 2-3 content a day”. Also, he writes about politics, anyhow, and really approached some clarity and sincerity in his Monday string on X.
Cillizza noted a recent analysis from the CIA — and they haven’t lie to us, then, did they? ” How’s a CIA director: ‘ CIA assesses with small trust that a research-related nature of the COVID-19 crisis is more likely than a biological origin based on the available body of reporting.'” Even though it does come from the CIA, it is for paying because this so strongly differs from what the CIA and the overall political and media formation were telling us at the moment. And Cillizza was mature enough to understand what it meant for his earlier “reporting.”
Cillizza continued the CIA analysis by saying,” Which, if you’re keeping observe, is what Donald Trump and a number of popular liberals, most importantly Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, have been saying for a very long time. And, honestly, they have taken a lot of s**t for it. Including from me”. He also added:” My belief again then was that if this was a conversation between Donald Trump and Anthony Fauci on the roots of a pandemic-level disease, I was going to go with the guy who spent his entire career studying this thing, not the real TV-star-turned-president”. And:” Except, it now appears that the reality TV-star-turned-president was right. And Anthony Fauci was wrong” . ,
Wow! Is Cillizza independently wealthy? Does he intend to retire and never work in the left’s propaganda factories once more? Or do the COVID hysteria’s facts now seem so impenetrable that even fiercely partisan hacks like Cillizza must acknowledge them or risk losing any shattered vestiges of credibility they may still have?  ,
Cillizza then goes on to explain why he reached the conclusions he did at the time and offers a warning to all leftist” journalists”:” Be skeptical — of experts or anyone else — when dealing with a situation where no one has the ability to see a 360-degree view.”
And regarding Trump:” The other major mistake I made was that I let my belief that Trump just, well, said stuff, get in the way of the possibility that he could be right”. And:” My understanding at the time was that Trump was merely making it up. Like, he wanted to blame China for the virus. And it was much simpler to make because it had accidentally leaked from an infectious disease lab.
 ,  ,  , Related:  , Bitter Division Among Leftists: Should They Be Civil to Trump Supporters or Not?
These admissions are remarkable, but they’re likely to remain unique. Other leftist propagandists are more likely to favor echoing the party line to the world of light and accurately reporting the facts than the world of shadows. Nevertheless, Cillizza’s willingness to admit his error is a noteworthy crack in the left’s propaganda edifice. Dare to dream! Cillizza might be the start of a new wave of leftist propagandists who are reminded that they are supposed to be journalists and begin to publish the facts without making any spin.  ,
Yeah, you’re right: too outlandish to happen. More and more people are still playing their cards every day. If Cillizza were to admit it, more admissions might come along as well, until the propaganda machine completely stops. Talk about big dreams!