The decades-long , Nigerian genocide , continues with ever more intensification of Islamic jihadi assault against Christians, which continues to make Nigeria the , deadliest , place in the world to become Christian.
The murderous violence in Nigeria, continued since around 2009,  , has killed 60, 000+ Christians and displaced tens of millions over the years. But the Biden presidency  , removed , Nigeria from the list of Countries of Particular Concern that have” significant violations of spiritual freedom”. Hopefully, Donald Trump will change that and eventually acknowledge the horrific persecution of Christians in Nigeria. In fact, according to alarming figures, an estimated 82 % of Christians worldwide were killed for their trust in 2023.  ,
However, most Westerners only seem to worry about , jihad-loving Gazans. There are parades and protests, help donations, and social kerfuffle when Hamas employees are killed in Gaza. Not so for Christians, who are regularly targeted and murdered in various African, South American, and Asian nations ( including Gaza ). That would require awakened Westerners to acknowledge that the two ideologies are the ones that are most at fault for the serious persecution of Christians around the world.
Recommended:  , Holocaust Remembrance, the New Nazism, and ‘ Not Repeatedly’
From International Christian Concern’s ( ICC ) Persecution. com, Jan. 24:
Boko Haram is escalating attacks on Christian areas in Chibok, Borno state, displacing more than 4, 000 Catholics in recent days. In a series of planned attacks, Boko Haram targeted the Christian settlements of Njila, Banziir, Shikarkir, and Yirmirmug, burning houses, cutting temples, and killing five individuals.
During the most recent assault on Monday, jihadists descended on Shikarkir and Yirmirmug in the early dawn, displacing more than 1, 500 people.
Witnesses claimed that during these attacks, Boko Haram insurgents intimidated Christians and demanded that they convert to Islam or experience execution. The murder destroyed EkklesiyarYan’uwa, a chapel, and the loss of cattle, meals supplies, and livelihoods.
Farmers like Ibrahim Yana had to retreat Shikarkir for his career. ” We are living in fear”, he mourned. They destroyed our homes and churches. Many of us have lost everything”. And also, the foreign aid pours into Hamas-run Gaza as Nigeria is ignored.
In their effort to establish an Islamist empire, Boko Haram and another mujahideen have waged a reign of terror since 2009.
]ICC] Boko Haram has orchestrated numerous crimes, including the shooting of tens of thousands of citizens, the movement of more than 2.5 million individuals, and the death of churches, schools, and full areas across Nigeria’s northeast.
Yes, Boko Haram’s crime has only increased in recent years, so the genocide continues even though the world remains motionless. ” And]God ] said to him: What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother’s blood crieth to me from the earth” ( Genesis 4: 10 ). Demand that your elected officials and the Trump presidency acknowledge the terrible crimes that are happening in Nigeria.