The entitled unhappy little [EXPLETIVE DELETED] who lord it over the rest of us from their pleasant administrative nests will soon discover that their every attempt to undermine President Donald Trump brings him closer to victory over the Deep State. This is Opposite Day in Washington, D.C.
There’s a lot to analyze in that one phrase. Let me summarize it for you one thing at a time.  ,
The executive branch’s chief executive ( that’s Trump to you and me ) sent a large email to all of the federal employees under his purview, offering them eight months ‘ pay to take an early retirement, as you’re probably aware by now. They just need to respond to emails with the subject line” RETIRE.”
I suggested on X that Trump may have made the offer opt-in more than opt-out, which was mostly joking but kind of no. As in, national workers would have to settle into continued work. Trump does have persuaded another 30 000 workers to accept the first R. Heh.
The 8-month compensation package is the first of many likely steps to reduce the size of the government, according to PJ’s individual Richard Fernandez. The plain fact that the government is running out of money to pay a bureaucratic bloated for eight more times drives it is the real story.
Most businesses follow the 80/20 Rule. 20 % of the employees perform about 80 % of the work. I’m told that in government ministries, it’s probably more like 20 % does 100 % of the job. The 80/20 Rule plays in the secret business so long as a business remains successful. Although it can happen sooner than it takes for a state to go into debt, it can happen. Essentially, we’re currently it. We can’t afford the 80 % in their pleasant nests doing nothing no more.
In their souls, they know this. By their activities… person, did they really piss me off.
Speaking of entitled whiny little]EXPLETIVE DELETED], two federal employees just sued” to prevent the federal government’s HR department from emailing all human federal workers at once, saying it violates private rules” . ,
According to the organization’s website, the Office of Personnel Management is testing a program that can send emails to approximately 2.3 million national people at once. Instead of relying on managers to disseminate information, the new function may permit top Trump administration officials to converse directly with all levels of government.
It’s the same as responding to Trump’s pension email with “NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ICAN’T HEAR YOU” in the same way. The brain of these individuals, right?
But, finally, when I refer to America’s Iron Rice Bowl group as “entitled sad little]EXPLETIVE DELETED]”, I assume you need no explanation or clarity about what I might actually mean by that. But let’s get on to the flesh of the problem.
This seems more likely to result in a “burn it all down” response than a” compassionate” response, according to Glenn Reynolds earlier today at Instapundit. Additionally, Elon Musk just released a poll that revealed that “downsizing state is by far the most common issue.”
Trump signed a legitimate professional get outlawing DEI in the federal government, which was only established in Joe Biden’s Cabal’s first four years. Federal workers — including in the Air Force — by taking La underground, violate their boss. Trump emails his team members in large numbers, but they respond with a lawsuit saying he didn’t even internet them.
I feel like Howard Beale in” Network”, shouting into the void,” I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore”! I’m sure that I’m not the only one, and the more they resist, the more enraged we become and the more popular is downsizing them from living.  ,
The Beast is out of power. Trump and the DOGE kids might be able to tame it, but not without the pressure from you, me, and all your other favourite Pajama Media/Townhall artists. If you’d like to support us by becoming a member, employ this VODKAPUNDIT discount code for 25 % out. Either way, remember that you’re never shouting into the hole — we’re being heard in the White House, and we’ll make certain those entitled unhappy little]EXPLETIVE DELETED] hear us, too ,
Recommended:  , Hey, Elon — Get a Axe to THIS
P. S. You may pursue me on X.