Democrats have always been violent and vehemently determined to uphold our founding principles, common sense, and the Constitution in order to maintain their manipulative system of manual labor. The distinction is that in the early 19th century, Democrats claimed slavery was absolutely required for the Southern United business, and now Democrats claim that illegal alien labor is required for the American market.  ,
The Democrat Party is the same yesterday, today, and long. Liberals once again worried about who will get their crops, as the Babylon Bee joked, with a pair of images of illegal aliens picking crops and slaves picking crops, but this is really a dangerously accurate depiction of the situation, as they often do in their sarcasm. Don’t feel me? Read the words of Democrats and experience them yourself.  ,
Democrats Are Once More Concerned About Picking Their Crops https :// Photo.— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee ) January 27, 2025
One of the main factors of disagreement on the left is that Americans would not be willing to perform these tasks that illegal aliens do. Before illegal aliens started removing all of these blue-collar work, Americans generally did them, and it’s also true that under Biden, even as all of the new positions were given to immigrants, the unemployment rate for men in the United States increased substantially.  ,
Even though workers are becoming more and more employed at the same corporations, I personally know quite a few younger people who would be willing to accept any blue-collar job but who can’t seem to get hired. Nevertheless, the younger generation of Americans is less hospitable and diligent than previous generations, but it is also purposefully being supplanted by much less expensive illegal migrant workers. The truth remains that some landowners, like many other companies, just do not want to get American because it costs more. They aim particularly to employ illegals. JD Vance has also discussed the issue of American workers being fired and replaced by fugitives.  ,
This brings me to the realization that Democrats are actually using language about illegal mysterious work that was used in the 1800s to talk about slavery. Nancy Pelosi once said that illegal creatures were required to “pick the vegetation.” Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N. Y. ) argued last year that we need “many improper immigrants” to get produce. They are a good example of the elite Democrat outlook.  ,
Sens. Dick Durbin, (D-Ill. ), Peter Welch (D-Vt. ), and Adam Schiff (D-Calif. ) made similar statements in recent weeks while whining about Trump’s illegal alien deportations. ” Americans don’t want to do that work…]it’s ] too backbreaking”, Schiff claimed. Liberals seem to think less of the illegal aliens they import and perceive them as superior, and that their desire for more of these fugitives is for their own good. Just as when Liberals were ready to start a bloody Civil War to protect slavery, then they don’t care how many Americans are robbed, raped, killed, or fired owing to illegal aliens.  ,
” More than two-thirds of U. S. produce workers are foreign-born, according to the USDA“, CBS News pontificated on Jan. 25. ” Less homemade produce means less workers.”  , The site’s speech was even more severe in another post headlined:” These U. S. sectors can’t function without illegal refugees” . ,
Harvard Business Review even sounds like it was written in the 1830s. ” The United States relies on immigrants, both legal and illegal, to produce a lot of its clean produce. Arrests and the ensuing labour shortages “would significantly increase the cost of produce that necessitates significant mechanical labor,” it lamented.  ,
Oh no, no hefty manual work! No one in America had or ought to do that, as we all know. Republican lawmakers have yet to defeat Republican border security advocates almost to the death in the Capitol, as Preston Brooks (D-S.C. ) did in 1856 to Charles Sumner (R-Mass. ). Despite their objections to slavery, they now typically prefer to let their criminals do it for them in prison or on unrest.
To get back to the point, Democrats made similar arguments in support of slavery in the 19th century to those made today for illegal migrant workers. John Calhoun, perhaps the most ardent and enthusiastic keeper of slavery, made the argument in his infamous slavery as a “positive good” statement that a community couldn’t be successful without the oppression of workmen, in short, without enslavement ( America has since proved him wrong, but Democrats hope you don’t see ).  ,
” I contend subsequently that there has never been a rich and cultured society where one segment of the population did not, in fact, depend on the other’s work…” I fervently insist that the relationship between the two races in the South is the most steady and firm foundation on which to build completely and stable social institutions,” Calhoun remarked. Jerry Nadler and Nancy Pelosi both have positions of disagreement. They are unable to and do not want to imagine a nation in which they cannot utilize the work of some “inferior” people for their own gain.  ,
Democrat Jefferson Davis declared,” American slavery, as it exists in the United States, is a moral, a social, and a social blessing”. Insert “illegal movement” for” enslavement” and you might be listening to a Democrat talk from 2025. Later, Davis was the notorious Confederate leader and war criminal responsible for the Confederate law that required black Union troops ‘ white officials and black residents ‘ execution or enslavement.
For Our Guests:  , Churchill Was Best: Having Enemies Is a Gift
Braxton Bragg, the Confederate general and traitor, was one of the slave owners who fought so hard to endanger his own men of the privilege of being a slave owner. However, his name is now being restored to the castle, which had happily been renamed” Fort Liberty” after the very gift of which Bragg fought so hard to endanger his own people. Bragg asserted, according to a biographer,” We have a large class of our population in subordination]which is ] just and necessary”. He had a reputation for being a devout slave owner and traitor, and he was the subject of a suggestion to rename Fort Bragg at the start of the Civil War. Like the Democrats of today, Bragg has always prioritized his own interests and ideology over the well-being of his fellow Americans.
We’ve all heard a derogatory phrase from the Dred Scott decision, which was issued by Democratic Chief Justice Roger Taney, that “[Negroes ] had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and entirely incompetent, either in social or political relations, and so far inferior, that they had no rights that the white man was bound to respect, and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit.
However, that same decision also supported the slave trade on the grounds that it was” for the benefit of such States as shall think appropriate to encourage it.” Taney argued that slavery contributed to the “prosperity” of the USA.
In the 1800s, Democrats argued that slave labor and a prosperous economy could not exist in America. That is now proven to be false, and we are aware that there has never been such economic growth in America as it did with the century following the end of slavery. Democrats want us to think that illegal alien labor is necessary for prosperity right now. Again they are lying. Let us reject illegal immigration in the same way that we once did slavery, and we will discover that we will continue to prosper as well as that we will be freer and more prosperous than ever.