Only a few options were the focus of all ideas about what caused the Pacific Palisades fireplace in Los Angeles at the beginning. Those principles haven’t changed. So why is the cause of the fire still a outage?  ,
A picture of a Ring lens from the Eaton Fire, which torched Altadena and parts of Pasadena, revealed an electric arc from a high-tension power line, convincing some people they had witnessed the nature of that destructive fire. The research into the cause of that blaze continues, according to CalFire.  ,
The flames from the Eaton and Palisades burns are almost fully contained, and thankfully, two atmospheric rivers are blowing this weekend to help extinguish any remaining flames that may be smoldering.
So now that we’re entering the clean-up and rebuilding period. It’s time to learn the origin of the fire that destroyed a sizable number of Palisades houses on 23, 000 acres, which is nearly twice the size of Manhattan.
A group of 16 fire investigators with the national Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Bombs has been investigating since almost the beginning of the pandemic, according to the L. A. Times. They’re working with specialists throughout the state. They all concur that the fire was most likely started by a man. But how?  ,
Connected:  , Stunner: California Saved a Shrub Rather of Protecting Humans From the L. A. Firestorm
Two things that might have sparked the blaze from the beginning were the focus of the debate. One, according to firefighters, was that a fire that was put out in Topanga Canyon near Skull Rock on January 1 might include apparently erupted.  ,
Teenagers and other people are well-versed in the five-mile Skull Rock walking path.  ,
These clowns made it seem like they were apparently trapped by the fireplace in a video that was released after the fire, and they did so bravely.
The walls hearth quickly destroyed my companions and I. We climbed up to bone stone and as we hung, we could smell smoke. We had to flee rapidly for our existence. #fire #cawx #palisadesfire photograph.— Beni Oren ( @BeniOren1 ) January 8, 2025
Is it ridiculous to loop around and record yourself while presumably running for your life, or am I correct?
But on New Year’s Eve, it’s believed that some jacka** set off lights at that page. That also seems foolish.
Splitting: Palisades Fire has’ individual origins’ in hiking region near bone rock, favorite spot for teens.
However, I was informed that it was a” environment change” image.
— TaraBull (@ TaraBull808 ) January 13, 2025
The fire on New Year’s Eve was put out very quickly before it seriously damaged any homes. For 36 time, firefighters monitored the blog to ensure the ability to quickly remove spots. There were no flare-ups. Finally, fireplace monitors left.
The fire captain, Kristin Crowley, promised to show people that if the Walls fire was caused by a flare-up,” I may look you in the eye and inform you that total publication if that is indeed what they find out, we will tell you that.”
The second theory is that campers and homeless people in the area set the fire to keep themselves warm, though a less well-known theory in the Palisades fire. About half of the firefighting calls come from camps for homeless people. Similar to this one, the Sepulveda neighborhood has frequently been set on fire by homeless campers.  ,
This was December 2017 at the Los Angeles Sepulveda Pass, where fires are currently expected to start to spread in 2025.— WestCoast_Life ( @westcoast_lyfe ) January 12, 2025
And, as I pointed out , the homeless have been a problem in the Topanga Canyon area in the past.  ,
Related:  , L. A. Karen Bass, the mayor of Palisades, Just Confirmed the Concerns With Palisades Fire Victims.
As much as the left hopes to lay blame on climate change, fireworks and firebugs don’t qualify.
NEW: Investigators from ATF and Arson are looking through portions of the Skull Rock Trail in Pacific Palisades, California. This is thought to be close to the Palisades Fire’s origins. # PalisadesFire pic.— Matthew Seedorff ( @MattSeedorff ) January 14, 2025
You’ll recall that Krishan Chaudry, a man by the name of Krishan Chaudry, reported the fire as the first to appear after it appeared just outside of his home. His backyard is Topanga Canyon. What happened there?  ,
The arson investigators say they’ll have some conclusions within 60 days, but sooner sure would be better.  ,
Residents of Los Angeles are sick of waiting and being told lies. They’ve been lied to about the competence of their leaders, about the priorities of their elected leaders, defunding their fire department, and whether there’s water in the reservoir and fire hydrants. And now, after being told they could “quickly” get to their properties, they are being ordered to obtain special permits to return to their properties and rebuild their homes.