What do you contact a thousand officials who are about to receive their running documents?  ,
Say it with me now:” A good start”.
The Hill reported earlier Tuesday that EPA objective support standard Kimberly Patrick emailed more than 1, 000 employees to tell them that they are “likely on a probationary/trial period”, and that” as a probationary/trial period employee, the agency has the right to immediately cancel you”.
The New York Times ‘ headline for the story begins with Lisa Friedman’s statement:” The Trump administration has warned more than 1, 100 Environmental Protection Agency employees who work on climate change, reducing air pollution, enforcing environmental laws and different plans that they could be fired at any time.”
That’s no good. Almost every job at EPA that isn’t about mopping the carpets or restocking the bathroom paper, Friedman described. Her “informative” result is just an reason to get NYT audience all worked up over climate change. Once. As if they require any assistance.
The Scare Factor needle was pinged by Civil Eats ( whatever that is ) with the even more implausible headline, “EPA Tells Employees Working on Climate Change They May Be Fired.”
No such thing happened, near as people can show, but the “who” in the “who, when, where, what, why, and how” of every good information opening remains a mystery.
Lee Zeldin, President Trump’s fresh EPA inspector, stated next year,” I’ve been told that the EPA creating is frequently at around 20 % capacity on any given time. I’ll be able to ensure that personally once I’m in the creating”. Zeldin added,” Operationally, it’s important to get employees back into the office and working and collaborating” . ,
Trump instructed work-from-home national people back into their workplaces two weeks ago, so I’m guessing that “probationary/trial” people self-identified by no coming into function as ordered.
But I may only think.
Unfortunately, neither the NYT nor The Hill republished, posted, or linked to the whole wording of Patrick’s see. That could have greatly reduced the amount of uncertainty or confusion about what’s happening at EPA ideal now, so I’m forced to assume any confusion or confusion is purposeful.
( My philosophy at VodkaPundit is to republish or link everything so that you can make your own judgment and, hopefully, leave without any ambiguity or confusion. )
Then suddenly, accountability isn’t really a concern with the media. The NYT even reported that” Molly Vaseliou, an E. P. A. spokesperson, said in a speech that’ our goal is to be visible,'” but declined to answer the NYT’s concerns about the internet. I like what Trump and Zeldin are doing at EPA but I like — and hope — clarity, too.  ,
The indignant reactions are all you’d expect.
The New Republic’s Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling lamented that Zeldin is” trying to terrify” EPA staff into leaving. Is it really so terrible to expect them to follow orders?
President of the American Federation of Government Employees ( AFGE ) Local Local 704, Nicole Cantello, said,” We’re really concerned, deeply concerned, that the next step will be removing these employees”.
No offence, Nicole, but neither your public-sector union task nor your public-sector union does exist.
Since EPA employs more than 16 000 people, a staff reduction of about one in 16 is just likely to be significant and also likely to be small enough to not interfere with the company’s core functions. That’s almost a shame, really, since the EPA morphed from cleaning up the country’s air, soil, and waterways ( awesome! ) to attempting to veto every move made by the entire economy ( boo! ).
Zeldin stated last year,” I don’t think anyone at EPA should be here at EPA who isn’t committed to the agency’s mission and the lawful commands coming from the formally elected president of the United States.”
Something tells me 1, 000 red pulls may be nothing more than a good start, however.
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