Betsy DeVos, former director of education for the Trump administration, is unwavering in her campaign to have the section eliminated from 2017 to 2021.
There must be a second for all, even though no federal company has ever seen its windows closed. On the virtues, the Department of Education has earned such a historical distinction”, DeVos wrote in The Free Press.
DeVos cited the depressing results of the most recent National Assessment of Educational Progress ( NAEP ) standardized test as one reason why the Education Department needs to be shut down.
Seven in ten fourth graders in America lack reading proficiency, which means they struggle to read grade-level books and comprehend technical texts. Forty percentage graded out at’ below simple,’ meaning they struggle with basic understanding. In math, the picture is related: six in 10 third grade are behind in math“.
Perhaps worse, the difference between the lowest and highest-performing individuals increased by 10 % since 2019. That’s not just because of the crisis. Since the NAEP started conducting tests in the 1990s, students ‘ results have been declining.
The eighth-grade users with the lowest reading scores are considerably worse off than their contemporaries were in 1992, the first year the NAEP was administered. In fact, their scores this year are the lowest in recorded history” ( author’s emphasis ).
Nothing could be more crucial to our nation’s victory than having educated people. Don’t let the title fool you; the Department of Education almost certainly has no bearing in teaching people.
There is not a solitary class operated by the Department of Education. In a single lesson, it does not use any teachers. It doesn’t fixed educational criteria or education. It isn’t even the main backer of education—quite the reverse. In most states, the federal government represents less than 10 percentage of K–12 public education funding.
What does it accomplish, then? It moves money around, makes needless demands and social goals use its grants, and then passes the blame when it is time to assess whether any of that is worthwhile.
The FY 2025 budget for the Department of Education is$ 82 billion. The unholy alliance between the Education Department and teachers ‘ unions places education last while putting their own agenda and bureaucratic preferences before that goal.  ,
” We continue to fall vis-a-vis the rest of the world. And the kids at the bottom of the list have suffered the most harm. Coming through COVID was dreadful, but this started well before that”, DeVos said on Newsmax.
She claimed that in the 45 plus years the division has been in operation, “forgoing the same thing at the provincial level and imposing anything on all the states and all the nearby communities has just never worked.” ” President Trump is completely correct. The office should be disassembled, may become dismantled, and Linda McMahon is exactly the person to get that career done”.
Democrats may undoubtedly inquire as to why she wants to quit her job when confirmation hearings begin the following week. She will also be confronted with questions about her credentials and the persistent incident from her time as head of World Wrestling Entertainment, which claims she was aware of allegations of sexual abuse coming from WWE workers.
The Department of Education’s removal may require a steep climb. Republicans had, however, also help extreme reforms, including reversing many of the state’s authority over education and cutting many of the initiatives and grants that little or nothing else help the cause of knowledge.