One I follow on Instagram made a blog last week that was outside of his regular content. I’m not going to name brands. Although I’ve been a fan of what this man does for years and have even spoken to him a little bit about it, I’m willing to wager that some of you may even know who he is. The article addressed how little emotion exists in the country.  ,
However, the author of that blog later added a slide show to his words, which made me realize he was being incredibly biased. Or trying to…. The majority of the content dealt with Hispanic people’s contributions, which included nurses, etc. — make to our world. Not only was it political, but it was also terrible and inaccurate. Practically speaking, enforcing immigration rules has nothing to do with Mexicans. It’s about law-breaking folks from all over the world.  ,
I don’t usually “unfriend” folks over elections in real life or on social media or somewhere in between. But I have had enough. I’m sick and tired of people on the left telling me I don’t have compassion for others and spread any naive lies only because they lost an election, and we are now faced with a government that appears to be doing what it’s supposed to do and nothing more.  ,
These are the people who genuinely lack empathy and make these charges through the use of slurs. They are unwilling to explain why the majority of the nation disagrees with them on some issues. They are thus sorry for the people they feel so sorry for that they don’t even want to try to help.  ,
They say we don’t like” cis” and “queer” people because we don’t help kids mutilating their body and have fears about cleaning and education. Where is the compassion shown for honest kids?  ,
They claim that because we want a stable borders for the sake of national security, we don’t like refugees. Where is their compassion for refugees who work here legally, those who fall victim to sex trafficking and other offences, and those who reside in Mexico and Central America, whose lives are in danger because of our available edges?  ,
They claim that we are ruthless because we are accustomed to living paycheck to paycheck while using tax money to pay expenses in different nations that are unrelated to us. Where is their compassion for the household who is attempting to pay their electricity costs or put food on the table?  ,
When all we want is for every child to have a chance at life, they claim that we don’t like people to have control over their own systems. Where is their compassion for every tiny lifestyle that has never been able to be seen in person?  ,
Instead of removing tasks and food sources, they claim that we care about the environment when we favor taking care of the people who are currently on this earth. Where does their compassion extend to the effects that their environmental laws have on the  , poor populations that are frequently overwhelmingly impacted?  ,  ,
I could go on, but you get the plan. And it’s not just about compassion, it’s about actions it inspires, also. Just considering the small number of people I know, the liberals are typically much more compassionate and kind-hearted than the liberals. I’ve seen some of the most far-right, Trump-loving, Limbaugh-listening people in my life provide up many hours and dollars to help some of the most oppressed people — people in jail, the poor, the old, the mentally sick, people in underdeveloped countries, and yes, even improper immigrants. On this alone, I may write an article.  ,
On the other hand, many of the democratic people I know just like to move, shout, and manage and speak about their own perceived abuse. Many studies have also shown that liberals are” significantly” more giving.  ,  ,
I’ll say something that I haven’t around before. One of our readers, Chris Queen, had been trying to get me to read for PJ Media for quite some time. He and I have been friends for years, and we’ve worked up on some projects. Before I switched wheels, I really began writing in both media and politicians. Every time he suggested it, nevertheless, I had the same answer: I just want to keep my head over and stay out of politics.  ,
Actually, one of the main reasons I turned him down was that I was worried that I would gain friends and acquaintances. I have friends and family from all political parties, and over the past seven or eight years, I’ve learned the art of venting and no sharing my thoughts in order to maintain order. I didn’t want to disrupt those connections in any way or even prevent any opportunities that might arise in the future.  ,
But I’ve had enough of that as well. The less I care what people think of me the older I get. That’s one of the more wonderful stuff about aging, I suppose.  ,
And I’ve been cost. I started writing around around Halloween, just before the 2024 election. At first, I was reluctant to share the information with people I know, but when I eventually did, I faced everyone from people telling me how ridiculous I am to some who had stopped talking to me at all. First, it did trouble me, but what’s that saying? You can choose some people all the time, and you can do it with all the persons occasionally, but not everyone at once. At the end of the day, I don’t worry if I please anyone at all again.  ,
I know who I am. I am aware of my beliefs. I’m aware that Donald Trump won this year’s election. I  , know that I crave a smaller state, am proudly pro-life from conception to death, and believe in personal flexibility. I am aware that I am adamant about teaching others how to fish when they are over, and that I also believe in bringing them a seafood dinner to help them survive and prosper, which I have done more times than I could rely. I am also aware that having such a great deal of compassion for others can sometimes be exhausting. And most importantly, I know that I don’t need to show it to anyone else. It’s between me and God.  ,
If you have a problem with that, also, that kind of shows me that you’re the one who lacks the ability understand anyone else’s view, not me. But, don’t virtue-signal to me about empathy until you’ve taken a long hard look at your own life.  ,  ,