No, the Red-Green alliance is not a political empire between Green Party environmentalists and Republicans. Republicans do certainly agree that climate change, which has been present throughout the earth’s past, will cause it to burn up because of one of the lowest rates of CO2, a substance required for life.  ,
Instead, the Red-Green partnership is an ally of comfort between liberals, including progressives, communists, and socialists, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, Islamists, Muslims who actively pursue the social aims of Islam, like as Islamic supremacism and the abuse of those non-compliant with Islam.  ,
Left fear, detest, or dislike capitalism, independence, inequality of prosperity, status or achievement, and nationalism. They prefer socialism, collectivism, absolute equality ( equity ), and internationalism. Islamists are obligated by their faith to fight for the dominance of Islam over enlightenment faiths like liberalism and socialism.  ,
What features of these two contradictory communities are common? Socialists and Islamists despise European nations and American civilization, particularly the United States of America.  ,
Jihadists despise the West because it was established as a Christian culture, and Christianity still constitutes its main religion today. Islamic forces have repeatedly invaded and occupied European nations, only to be driven out later. Islamists are currently engaged in a movement jihad and think they will be able to conquer Europe.  ,
While succeeding, quietly, in extending their strength in Europe, Islamists have certainly made substantial benefits through immigration warfare in the USA, although it has done somewhat greater in Canada. However, the United States is the most powerful nation in the West. It has led new American problems in the Dar al-Islam, electronic. g. in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, although to great effect only in the former, with the death of the Islamic State.  ,
 , Communists hate the West because it is the house of capitalism, dignity, and injustice. They despise European culture because it was created and constructed by white men, a race that is increasingly polarized by feminists and feminists of colour.  ,
 , Socialists and Islamism find similarity in chanting” Death to America” and burning National colors. Ideally, America supports its alliance Israel, which is a great blame goal, due to the fact that Jews control Israel, and all hates the Jews. They are hated by Islamists because they are unwilling to be destroyed by their own problems. Leftists hate them for the fictitious story, false in every aspect, that they are light, colonial settlers oppressing, through an apartheid program, an indigenous people of color, the Palestinians.  ,
This joyous Red and Green coalition has enlivened North America with tent encampments at universities, blockades, harassment of Jewish students and professors, sit-downs blocking public roads and Jewish-owned businesses, and gunfire and Molotov cocktail attacks on Jewish schools and houses of worship. Almost everywhere in Canada, but also in the U. S., particularly in the highly corrupt Ivy League universities, these events were viewed with great equanimity by civic officials and the police, neither of which wanted to take sides, preferring to be even-tempered and even-handed with attackers and victims. University officials were equally passive, except when seeking to pander to the Hamas supporters.  ,
These celebratory public events, however, were merely exuberance in the wake of the Hamas atrocities committed on October 7, 2023 in Israel. The foundations for the leftist and Islamist uprising had been laid for decades, particularly in universities. Marxist-inspired theories—post-colonial theory ( blaming the West for all of the ills in the world ), decolonization ( delegitimizing countries in the Anglosphere ), radical race theory, and feminist and queer gender theory—were the dominant teaching and research frameworks in the social sciences, humanities, education, social work, and law.  ,
Islamist projects, supported by leftists, for many years set out the political priorities of the alliance. The first step was the destruction of Israel, and supporting that led to the rise in R-G activity in universities. The Boycott, Divest, and Sanction ( BDS ) movement against Israel was the main discourse in universities by Islamist and leftist student groups. The annual Israel Apartheid weeks that were held at numerous universities were a strong support for this. Student institutions pursue anti-Israel restrictions on student officers, and student newspapers, stridently anti-Israel, refuse any articles defending Israel. No diversity of opinion is allowed!
This protest targeted Israel and the Zionists who back Israel in North America. The anti-Israel movement is in fact antisemitic because the majority of North American Jews, including the majority of those who are leftist in their political outlook and not active Zionists, believe in and support Israel as the Jewish people’s national liberation movement. In a reference to the Nazi death camps, many Red-Green Alliance activists take the shortcut and direct attack Jews while chanting that they should go back to Poland or be sent to the gas.  ,
Based on my academic work, including ethnographic fieldwork in the Middle East and fifty years of study, I was attacked by the Red-Green Alliance in a public letter signed by four Muslim student organizations and four leftist student organizations. The letter demanded that my university punish me, although, happily for me, the university declined. This was a remarkable outcome because, in many other cases in North American universities, universities fired professors who had received complaints from students.  ,
The issue arose because I didn’t have enough support for the Middle East and should have emphasized how wonderful everything was until Westerners destroyed it, as postcolonial theory claims. My other articles were also vilified in the letter because of how they were criticized for deviating from all civilized norms. I’m not sure how many signatories have read my Middle Eastern article or other articles, but I’m sure not very many. Mobs, even in universities, follow the leaders and chant the slogans rather than engage in independent inquiry and judgment.  ,
While the Islamists and leftists agree that Israel and America ( and Canada and the West ) must be destroyed, their goals are conflicting and contradictory. Although revolutionary leftists had supported his arrival in Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini’s establishment required the marginalization and expulsion of the leftists, and many of them were put to death by the Islamist regime. Khomeini’s goal was to spread Islam, his idea of the correct form of Islam :Shi’ism, throughout the Middle East and around the world.  ,
Khomeini demanded that Islam, as the right and legitimate religion, rule over human life and societies by adhering to the Quran and Islamic law. Islam is a supersessionist faith, believing that it superseded Christianity and Judaism, which it recognizes as corrupt, imperfect, and incorrect. However, Islam recognizes followers of Judaism and Christianity as “people of the book” as a result of traditions that it drew and modified. Therefore, the people of the book are allowed the special status as “protected”, dhimma, as long as they accept Muslim dominance and are obedient to Islamic law and rules, which in practice involve an inferior status with many practical disadvantages.  ,
However, Christians and Jews who reject Islam’s authority and disobey its laws and rulers are equivalent to infidels. In relation to infidels, Muslims, according to Islam, may lawfully kill them, enslave them, kidnap and charge ransom to release them, or free them. Infidel females are comparable to slaves and may be subject to a legal rape. However, disobedient Jews and Christians must be punished and ruled over by Islam.  ,
Islamists are extreme conservatives, their ideal is 7th-century Arabia under the guidance of Mohammed. Their goal is to reshape society to reflect that ideal era. Leftists, in contrast, are utopians. They strive for a society where everyone is equal, all assets are distributed equally, and politics is governed by the UN. Leftism, encompassing progressivism, socialism, and communism, is a secular religion. Belief is mandatory, disagreement is heresy. Freedom is a corrupt bourgeois rationalization that is forbidden.  ,
Totalitarian societies are preferred by both leftists and Islamists, despite their own characteristics. Liberal democracies have followed their march through the educational, media, and governmental institutions of liberal democracies, while Islamists have attempted to advance their goal through immigration jihad against strong liberal democracies, where their fecund demography projects dominance in the future.  ,
Liberal or conservative supporters of liberal democracy can only look on aghast at the undermining of their societies and the eradication of their values and culture. But, if they want to protect their societies, they had better do more than look on.  ,